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Everything posted by NanuqoftheNorth

  1. What's that song? If he can't make it there, he can't make it anywhere, San Francisco...
  2. Fortunately, the Panthers signed Sam to his 5th year option, so he's got that going for him.
  3. Early test of the new regime. Panthers have traditionally dedicated too much of their salary cap towards RBs. Meet the new boss same as the old boss?
  4. Agreed. Also, in general, today's NFL players tend to be bigger, stronger and faster than those back in Flutie's time. I'd suspect, being a small framed, lightweight QB, in today's NFL, would make it extremely difficult to find good life insurance coverage.
  5. Agreed, but any decisions prior to 6 months ago were heavily influenced by Rhule and Tepper. How much? Who knows? They aren't telling us. So, I'm being pragmatic. Gonna give Fitterer a mulligan for the last two years and put him on a short leash. Hopefully, he makes the most of his second chance.
  6. Carson Wentz was part of the Colt's problems, not part of the solution. I seriously doubt Reich will repeat that mistake by bringing him here.
  7. Yeah, Corral's value at this point can't be much more than nothing. Better to keep him as a camp arm and see if he flashes any signs of NFL level skills.
  8. In a Panthers sea of change, Hog Mollies are our life preservers.
  9. The 49ers QB pecking order remains fluid w/a great supporting cast of players. I suspect, if Sam ever makes it into a game, he'll stand a good chance of posting some career best stats. Niner's coaching staff will get the best out of Darnold. Whether that's enough to make him more than an afterthought is anyone's guess.
  10. There are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Unknown unknowns are the most dangerous to anyone's plans. To reduce the likelihood of unknown unknowns ruining the Panthers plans they need to keep it simple. Pick their #1 pick with their #1 pick. Feels like a Joe Pisarcik moment.
  11. Hmm, what are the chances this fanciful topic was nothing more than a way for a sports writer to generate clicks and appear busy for his employer without putting in too much effort?
  12. Fitterer at the NFL Combine: "You go get the guy you want. If you have conviction, you go get him. It's pretty simple that way. If you don't know and you're going to give all these resources to go up and get it, you're hurting your team in the long run. You better be right. You better have conviction if you do move up." https://www.si.com/nfl/panthers/gm-report/quick-hits-everything-scott-fitterer-said-at-the-nfl-combine-2023 Fitterer today (supposedly): Meh, six of one, half a dozen of the other, doesn't make all that much difference either way.
  13. Panthers have assembled a staff of some of the most respected minds when it comes to cultivating QBs. One thing they can't teach? 6 inches.
  14. Panthers make your pick, if Houston really wants that player badly enough, they'll contact you (within moments) with a trade offer.
  15. Perhaps the most concerning part in all this: Panthers seemingly are unable to come to a consensus decision for the most critical position on the team. Is this a classic example of too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup? Hopefully not.
  16. Agreed. Tepper put his foot on the accelerator a few months ago and hasn't let up yet. Buckle in Panthers fans! We're in store for a wild ride!
  17. Are you? The futures of these two QBs are not written in stone. When I look at Bryce Young and CJ Stroud I don't see equal outcomes. One or both could fail to realize their potential. Chances are good at least one won't. If I'm the Panthers, I'd want to make that final decision, rather than leaving it up to Houston to decide my team's fate. Own it, Panthers. Own your decision.
  18. The simple act of taking off a helmet will go down as the greatest moment in Panthers history. Legendary!
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