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DJ feed me moore

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Everything posted by DJ feed me moore

  1. that was my initial thought. He looked super goofy with the ball in his hands, the last play of the game where kai jones just pick pocked him with ease was really bad. Pack the paint and force him into taking as many threes as possible.
  2. gotta watch wembys debut but yeah after that I am out.
  3. NFCC 2015. we played one of maybe 3 teams that doesnt have a national fan base, if you were there you saw the ENTIRE stadium full and it was easily 95% + panther fans.... the further we get from that game the more it seems like a dream but man, on that night, BOA was alive.
  4. they moved all of that to ESPN + a couple years ago. major bummer because it pretty much won me my fantasy football ship. ESPN does need to be totally burnt to the ground. get some unknown JOURNALIST in there, see what they can do.
  5. lol lmao even. dogshit poverty franchise, no matter the month.
  6. urban really did him a solid otherwise he might be THE worst.
  7. melo was scared scoot would come in and take his job. they are all losers.
  8. miller is -310. its going to be him....
  9. ANOTHER change. seems like its back to miller. all this is meaningless though, just have to accept we wont know till silver makes the pick.
  10. I'm straight up not having a good time! going to log off and turn the phone off around 6-7 though. It truly feels 50/50 atm. Ill let silver tell me. scoot is back down to -220 after but WOW cp3 to the warriors is wild
  11. I dont think its going to be THAT bad but deff the same vibes.
  12. both will be disasters while CJ and scoot will go to the HOF. welcome to carolina sports.
  13. wow we are gunna take miller.... pass me the bleach.
  14. scoot -145. got a feeling we wont know till draft day. glad its almost here.
  15. saw that we are bringing in both scoot and miller for a sit down with MJ on Monday... If that's the case I like scoots odds. I hope this is MJs parting gift. you still team Miller?
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