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DJ feed me moore

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  1. I called Fox 8, they said it was fox sports' decision.
  2. This HAS to be the first panther game that isn't airing in Greensboro in over a decade.... I consider this a crime against humanity.
  3. god hates unc so I dont think BB is in the cards.
  4. officially at the point where ill be on sui watch if we dont hire BB.
  5. he is also a NATIONAL CHAMPION AND never lost to OSU. We need a guy who is accustomed to those standards.
  6. you'd have to pry that game from CBS's cold dead hands. Anyways, Drake Maye to throw for 200 yards and 2 TDs.
  7. I too am on the lamar bandwagon, There's a good chunk of people who only watch the SB and have NEVER seen lamar play. He is the best watch in the entire league.
  8. Ill always love smitty, he's the best!! that being said we should completely ignore anything he says about any player going forward. He's got the same odds of being right about someone as anyone on this message board going forward.
  9. would love for him to take miles sanders roll and maybe we can trade miles for a 7th to a RB needy team after this weeks game.
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