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Everything posted by PanthersGTI

  1. Bro what are you even doing here....you don't like the Panthers, you don't like the NFL.....time to let it all go.
  2. For sure. Either stop watching or quit bitching, we won't miss it either way.
  3. If you bring him in here on a reasonable contract ( below average ) to compete with Darnold...bet. Otherwise get a Vet FA and roll with him and Darnold and spend nothing in draft capital on a QB this year. We gotta get the fug out of this mess.
  4. Get this kid and get that position set for the long term. Do not over think this. I don't see how a Center and Guards are even remotely comparable as one has to make the line calls, which requires a different skill altogether.
  5. I don't think we need a QB this year. Let Darnold and FA fight it out and invest in the rest of the team and let Rhule prove something without having him chain us to yet another QB.
  6. I just want Linderbaum. Take him at #6, trade down and take him later. Just get the guy, we NEED it.
  7. I think this is what they mean when they say they don't mind reaching. They feel like they need to get an anchor OLine player at 6, if it means taking a Center higher then they would usually be comfortable so be it.
  8. This just my positive hat on in regards to "reaching". If they learned their lesson from last year, they thought taking Slater would have been a reach because they thought he might be a better fit at guard and didn't think taking a guard that high would be worth it. I hope this means they are going to take a talent on the Oline and not over think it. You get anchors on the line, period. But that is me being hopeful.
  9. Nice! He is a player, definitely made an impact on defense. We just need a MLB ( what a weird thing for a Panther fan to say )
  10. Yup that is a good scenario, Imagine getting a GOOD starting center. Things could fall into place nicely from that point.
  11. I think it was clear Rhule wanted his own staff when the Jets wanted him but wanted to green light his assistant hires and he balked. Remember this is the guy who said he didn't believe in or hasn't fired an assistant coach. As far as this Rhule and the upcoming year.....I decide to remain hopeful. I think through a lot of Tepper speaking to the media earlier it is clear he let Marty pretty much run the show because Tepper was focused on other aspects on the Panthers ( practice field, facilities, marketing etc... ) and was sort of learning how to be an owner on the job. In Riveras last season after he was let go, Tepper stated that he was going to focus more on the football side and make his mark. Queue the Rhule hire which and a year later the Hurney firing. It makes sense, Tepper puts his focus on the team and gives everyone a chance to prove themselves. Rivera couldn't field a competitive squard and The 2020 season goes better then expected but Hurney, in an ironic turn of fate, was finally fingered for his lack of football knowledge by the same person he hired. We all saw the poo show that this past season was. I think Tepper believes in Rhule enough to tell him that and have discussions regarding the shape of the offseason and the coaching hires moving forward. He is giving him his trial. They are brining in experience in all forms and grabbing the best candidates they can. Its Rhule's turn to prove he can do it. You have to remember he has been around the Steelers and has seen what patience can produce. ( note : he was NOT one of the owners who wanted Tomlim gone ) . Anyways, I like to go into every season optimistic because otherwise.....what am I even doing with my time?
  12. I know we hate Rhule but....Eli Apple sucks and probably is only in the NFL because the Bengals were scrapping the bottom of the barrel. No one likes this guy...all of his former teammates are dragging him lol.
  13. I'm confused. Wasn't the word that Rhule has to hire great OC to keep his job? Did that change? If that's still the case this could be a good thing.
  14. I don't know if anyone remembers this but when Rhule was hired, they had a whole mini documentary made. In that, Tepper says something along the lines of he went in and spoke some but Hurney did most of the talking at some point and he was all in on Rhule. After Hurney was fired Tepper said he wasn't as involved as he would have liked to have been and didn't bring the same level of thinking to the football world that he had in the finance world. He let the football guys run the show. Problem was Hurney ( and I'd imagine so leftovers from the Richardson era ) convinced Tepper Hurney was a "football guy" when he was just a moron. HOPEFULLY he has learned. It looks like he has some actual talent in the front office now. God Hurney must be one smooth talking motherfuger.
  15. Probably a couple of things : A) They think if themselves as teachers who can take raw talent and get solid production out of them. Darnold has the physical talent. That boy can THROW. Thinking they could get him into their locker room and build him up. B) They moved all in on Brady, thinking if he had a QB with the ability/willingness to air it out the offense would come together. Turns out, Brady ain't it. Don't know why he is the way he is but it's not working. Too confident? Too green? Just not good? They just got over confident in their abilities as a whole and if everything went right Sam would be at least average this year and take a step next year with a hopefully solidified Oline and a system he can work in. Problem is nothing went right. Brady fell on his face. The Oline can barely have an average day. All in all, they just put Sam in a SLIGHTLY better spot then he was in with the Jets. They fuged the poor kid, he needed something solid to build on.
  16. I like the thought on roster building here. Try and maximize what you have. It's been preached non stop here. Versatility.
  17. Jackson is going to have a huge year. I hope we pay him too. Him and Horn for the next 3-5 years? Ohh wee mayne!
  18. I thought it was confirmed earlier this year. He's got an up hill battle. Year off, new coaching staff. He did flash some as a rookie. I bet if we drop him he will be in DC in no time.
  19. I could see him being here as a backup as well. Kinda thin at the position, depends on how the rookies look ( I'm thinking we have 2 drafted and 1 UDFA Oline ). I think the tweet just means to say don't work under the assumption Little will be starting anywhere on the line.
  20. Good signing! He's going to pair well with Brown. They should help free each other. Plus they play with a mean streak on the DLine in Tennessee, we can always use more of that. I kinda wish it was a 2 year deal to be honest.
  21. I trust the staff. If one of these guys falls and they don't think he's worth #8 and grab the BPA I'll be happy. I don't pretend to know how to evaluate a player and the guys we have running things right now seem to do. With Hurney there was no trust after the first round. It might as well have been me making those picks.
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