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Everything posted by PanthersGTI

  1. That is a pretty big red flag right there.
  2. Matt Rhule : Best player will win the job and its up to the players to compete and win that competition. Huddle : Rhule implying that all QBs are bad and he will anoint whoever he considered his friend as the starter.
  3. Yeah, if you go from not eating well to being dedicated to eating healthy you can lose a good amount of weight pretty quickly.
  4. Rhule about to prove the haters wrong. Playoffs incoming.
  5. Get bodies in here to see who can secure some of these rotational spots, let the best men win.
  6. So you would rather be miserable then see the team do well? So what you can gloat on some message board and say you were right about a guy who will never interact with you and you will never interact with. Over some business deal you got no idea about? Y'all got too much negativity in your SOULS and Tepper didn't put it there, you just using it as another excuse to whine and be negative.
  7. I hope Jake Delhomme throws some Bojangles at your head for making this post.
  8. Nah, its just not the plan you want. They got Baker to replace Sam. The team believes in the OLine talent they brought in and they believe in this defense. If he plays well this year then good, we can try and extend him and keep it rolling. If not you can cut bait and move on to Corral and potentially draft one next year if it falls that way ( it is on record we will be getting new QBs in the door every year ). This is a plan to not force yourself to play a 3rd round rookie. If Matt beats these other guys out in camp I am sure he will start. You have to remember Fitt was there when they started rookie Wilson over Flynn who they had just paid a bunch of money to start. I think its just people on here who are so caught up with HAVING to see what Corral looks like as the starter, when as a team they are just looking at it as can we get a QB we can win with. They will not cry over the 3rd round pick if Baker pans out and they won't cry over the 5th if he doesn't.
  9. McAdoo also was last in Dallas with Dak, and I believe they run some RPO stuff there. So it is not out of his wheel house at all. We will have to see.
  10. Hype, lets see what he's got. I'll be interested to see some breakdowns on his play in Cleveland. I think going back to his rookie year with Freddie Kitchens as OC and seeing what he did well and then looking at the last two years, especially pre-injury vs post injury last season and see how he looked will be fun. We've got a lot of talent out there to help him succeed.
  11. Not that I'm saying Sam can/will be good, but correct me if I'm wrong, this would be his first year with a real OC right? Gase was HC/OC combo and that infamously crashed and burned. Brady sucked and didn't deserve the spot. Wow, if there is any hope for Sam it's now or never.
  12. On top of what people said about this being a better roster, lots of youth with potentials breakouts, an actual NFL Oline there is also a change in structure to the coaching staff ( we have an assistant head coach on each side of the ball for example ) which should help give the locker room some more cohesion, experience and guidance. A lot of players are also talking about the buy in this offseason. Even Cam said last year that they had people who just were not in it. They seemed to have figured that part out.
  13. If the Panthers can somehow get the Browns to pay Bakers contract. I don't see the issue with having Baker, Sam and Corral . As far as Baker and Sam go, its a competition and it will bring out the best in one of them, Neither of these guys have had to fight for a starting spot. You just can't pay Baker a bunch to do it. That is the only issue. If Corral is it, his talent will shine out ala Russell Wilson.
  14. I really feel like people need to be reminded that Corrall is a 3rd round rookie from an RPO, 1 read offense if I remember correctly. He probably won't be ready to start, so if we can get Baker cheap why not? Is he worse then Darnold? The same? Slightly better? As long as its cheap we aren't any WORSE off so. He at least has some grit unlike Darnold.
  15. Haynes should be a fan favorite. It's always nice to see the lower round guys grow and become mainstays, even if its just real solid rotational players.
  16. fug. Poor kid, I hope he finds opportunities to fulfill his life moving forward outside of football. Your soul hurts for him.
  17. In my experience New Yorkers get a bad wrap. They just got their own way of being nice. FL just full of assholes.
  18. We did, but don't let that stop the "wahhh but Rhule" crowd.
  19. I mean he said it....its the teams philosophy. Doesn't mean they evaluated who the best player was correctly.
  20. I think every coach and GM has said this exact same thing. If fact they all probably say it every year because they have to do media rounds. This is such a common phrase is the NFL/sports.
  21. I think what's nice is the fact that we have Fitt who saw Wilson in preseason and that team started him over...Flynn or whoever that GB backup they paid a bunch for. So if Corral has it, I think he is starting. Personally I think the guys got it.
  22. Draft class all the way. Keep the picks and the cap and don't have to deal with having Watson as the face of the franchise.
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