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  1. Its a good point. Peyton Manning was the ultimate game manager and also one of the best to ever do it. He orchestrated that offense to perfection. I think the point you are making is the exact point Cam was making last year with the whole Purdy thing. He said there are only 2-3 "game changers" at QB at a time.
  2. This game I won't play with this team. All of them, need to bring the A game every game.
  3. Nah, they were trash last year. There is a reason they went out and spent all that money. The inside of the line was a turnstile and Ikky hit his sophomore slump.
  4. 50 was popping off the screen for me, especially on the highlights rewatch. I might want a jersey lol dude was man handling people out there.
  5. I am with you. I still think if he were able to put it all together it would look good. I just don't think he is mentally strong enough. Hes got no dog in him, just a laid back Cali kid who has always been in positive situations. Not that there is anything wrong with that inherently, you can only face adversary when it presents itself. Its how you respond that matters. I think a big flag pointing to this is the fact that the biggest "adversity" his father could point to was moving from CA to Alabama.
  6. He is not but on that list I can see them looking at him and thinking they can unlock some potential.
  7. I could see them taking a look at Wilson. Elite arm talent, experience and young. There is some potential there.
  8. I really like everything I've seen except defensive line in general and QB play. Excited to see how the team looks over the next few games with Dalton at the helm.
  9. I don't know the rules but when can Wonnum, Barno and Crumedy suit up?
  10. Buckle in and prepare for blast off. 300 Yard 3 TD incoming. Houston, Vegas has a problem!!
  11. I want competitive games. I also think some of that score differetial changes when TOP changes and the general demenor of the team changes.
  12. You think he's crying in Nicole Teppers lap right now?
  13. Not going to watch any more but I will say the only thing keeping my fandom "flame" from guttering out is I think Canales is the real deal. My only hope is he can keep the locker room together and get his QB next season, but I am worried being forced to start Bryce will be the snowball that starts the avalanche in the locker room.
  14. Yeah this is where he lost me. I don't see a competitor. I truly believe he has the skills to make it work but the mentality is just too lax. What little he had he got beat out of him last season.
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