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Everything posted by bLACKpANTHER

  1. sounds an awful lot like 21 of 22 starters returning...... j/k
  2. You know your favorite song, word-for-word.. but do you really!? After years of saying the wrong lyric you just find out that the words were different and your mind is officially blown. Everyone has had this happen to them at some point, right? List some of them here: California Love, Dr. Dre and Tupac: "A state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness Alien Nests." Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Cindi Lauper: "Voices Buzz is singing 'Let's be jolly!'" (I first heard this song in the movie Home Alone and thought it was talking about Kevin's older brother Buzz.
  3. I thought this time off would be good to go through my DVR and watch some movies i recorded and/or watch something other than NBA playoffs... the movies sucked, TV sucks, what will we do after the Finals?? :(
  4. If Cleveland sticks with Irving on Curry- they should just have Irving run him off the 3pt line like they did with Korver.. force him to do something other than shoot open 3's.. Curry is way better than Korver at creating, but If Curry drives to the basket, you have a rim protector and rebounder (Mosgov and Thompson) down there to force tough shots and grab the boards.. If Cleveland throws Shumpert at Curry and puts Irving on Thompson- I think this might actually favor Cleveland. 1- Thompson has not been shooting well all playoffs (he did start to come alive late in the HOU series though). Irving would just needs to hang with him, not completely shut him down. 2- Shumpert is the best defender other than James for Cleveland; I love how he just scrapes and pokes the ball out (without fouling) of Teague's hands anytime he drove to the basket. After typing all that.. I still think the Ws will shoot lights out and win..
  5. I will be rooting for Cleveland and their city.. but if the Ws win, I won't be mad.. I just want to see a better series that these Conference Finals have been.
  6. I doubt he can drag them across the finish line and beat the Warriors. but if he does *hands up and walks away* dude is amazing.
  7. ...wait wait wait, i can't hear your boring, canned answers to my pointless questions about the game Steph!!
  8. We will be rolling with Cliff for another season. When we made the playoffs last year his 3rd year became guaranteed. Hopefully we will make a move to get 1-2 shooters this offseason. These playoffs have proven to everyone that you can't win or even really compete without a minimum of 2 knockdown 3pt shooters.
  9. After going to the gym this morning and picturing Batman's face as I pounded the weights (lol) I thought about everything and came to another conclusion: I am mad more at the friends mom that let them ride to the store, without our approval or giving us a call, because we don't let our kids ride outside of the neighborhood. I have forgiven the grandma and forgiven Batman too. Dude, you are a foul individual to say some of those things, but whatever. Take care and if you have kids- I hope you don't ever have the scare that me and my wife went through Saturday night. /thread
  10. Sarcasm, my dear friend. As far as the pedestrian comment though: "Every person riding a bicycle on a highway shall be subject to the provisions of the Code of Virginia section on motor vehicles and shall have the rights and duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle unless a provision clearly indicates otherwise. Bicyclists and other users on sidewalks, shared use paths, and crosswalks have all the rights and duties of a pedestrian under the same circumstance. Bicyclists and other users of shared use paths crossing highways at clearly marked crosswalks must come to a complete stop at stop signs prior to entering such crosswalk. On shared use paths crossing highways in marked crosswalks without stop signs or other traffic control signals bicyclists and pedestrians are not required to come to a full stop but must not enter the road in disregard of approaching traffic" He made a complete stop, looked both ways and went across with his friend. 2 witnesses attested to that. Grandama was in a hurry or just didn't see them. Again, I am not pressing charges. I am just thankful he is in his bed right now, sound asleep. So thankful.
  11. Stfu and blow me. I am not harassing anyone. My son was hit by a fuggin car you dipshit. Do you know how scary that sh!t is? I am not pressing charges you fuggin douche. I still am gunna file a report because regardless if he was wearing a helmet, shin guards or a fuggin clown nose - the pedestrian has the right of way. I don't usually blow up like this but Batman can Eat a bag of d!cks. The rest of you that gave your 'helpful' opinions- I thank you.
  12. I agree that pressing charges is not the way to go- but i feel like if i hit a kid on a bike- i would expect something more to happen than just a "oops, my bad"
  13. Auston, my 10 year old son, was riding his bike to the store for some candy with his friend, Mitchell, before their usual weekend sleepover. Mitchell's mom was following by in a car. On the way back, while crossing a 4way stop, the friend crossed and my son was behind him. A grandma saw Mitchell cross and decided to go. My son's back tire was clipped and he fell and scrapped his elbow, but not bad at all. Needless to say that it could have been a lot worse. Mitchells mom brought him home and the grandama came too to express her sorrow and apology. There was an additional witness that gave their info to us. While i was talking with the grandma in front of my house, my wife pulls up. I go into prevention mode because my wife is more 'erratic' than me. I explain the situation and we both are still in shock. My son is fine and is more concerned about getting in trouble with us and not having the sleepover. We tell him he did nothing wrong. But No cop was called initially and everyone left. Afterwards, my wife and I decided we need to call the police and report it. When a cop shows up he runs the lady's plates, etc. She has a spotless record. We are deciding whether to press charges but are torn. We dont want to ruin this woman's life but dont feel like you can hit a kid off a bike and just get a strict finger waving, you know? I am headed to church to give many thanks today but also to look for some guidance on what to do. Any cops on here to offer some opinions?
  14. It was a great 'super hero movie'.. it was not a great movie.. exciting, fun and too much story to pack into 1 reel of film.. 3 hours of film at that.. like all the other Marvel movies, it exists just to set up the next 2 movies coming down the pipe.. but it was good fun for sure
  15. I was in the 6th-7th grade when we got the Panthers. Don't remember following them much the inaugural season, but definitely remember rushing home from my dads house on the weekend to watch the Panthers beat the Ravens to make sure we were in the playoffs. Remember beating Dallas to move on and experienced my first salty-loss as a football fan against the Packers (many more to come).. Before then, my mom was and is a Skins fan. I said I liked the Cowboys and rooted for them in the Cowboys/Steelers Superbowl just to mess with her but really knew nothing about football. So I say I am a Panthers fan for LYFE!!!
  16. I hate the Patriots just as much as the next guy, but this is crazy. Blown way out of proportion
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