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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Sweet Jesus man between this hot take and your love of Trask I am not sure which is worst but both are horrifically bad
  2. Yep, if Jones is the pick then I will certainly scratch my head but be fully on board and excited to see him
  3. Dude we have a ton of holes. We need a safety, corners, olineman, te, and dline depth and of course a qb. We have a poo ton of holes.
  4. I would rather just keep our picks and stay at 8 and see what happens. We have too many holes on this roster to give away picks IMO
  5. Like I have said since day 1. Lance will be there at 8 the question is will the panther still be there.
  6. Richardson was banging her was the word on the street and Tepper fired her bascially an hour into his ownership. Didnt even give her a chance just straight fired her the second he could.
  7. I like La Confora a lot but that really doesnt make any sense
  8. Things you have been wrong about today 1. That Tepper can spend whatever he wants to offset losing draft picks 2. That 4 qbs have been drafted in the first 7 picks 3. That a top 5 pick has sat for 2 years in the modern era 4. That mahomes and his new contract made the super bowl I am sure there are a few more but those are the ones that stick out but by all means carry on because we are all laughing at you
  9. In like the 10th thing you have gotten wrong today, Mahomes extension and salary didnt kick in this year. But by all means keep drawing with crayons brother just dont eat them https://overthecap.com/player/patrick-mahomes/5594/
  10. Yep that tells me you are 11 and have no idea what you are talking about
  11. you have an example of a team sitting a top 5 pick?
  12. Bro, no team is drafting in the top 4 with the plan of that pick sitting for 2 years. Jesus I am starting to think this game of football is pretty new to you.
  13. This guy gets it. Great post and its what I have been screaming. Stay at 8 and let the draft come to you.
  14. They are on the hook with Ryan for 2 more years.
  15. I think at this point kev is drunk, he is not being anywhere close to rational or following the conversation
  16. Are you drunk? I am not basing anything on mock drafts. Its a fact that 4 qbs have never gone in the top 7 and its extremely debatable at best that teams will have Lance above Fields. But yeah, you be you
  17. I like Lance a lot and will be happy if we draft him at 8 but everything you say here is 100% on point. On the podcast to pros podcast this week they discussed how Lance runs a NFL offense and makes call at the LOS but yes he needs a lot of seasoning. So which team ahead of us can afford that????
  18. Again, based on your premise you are either saying that 4 qbs go in the the top 7 and/or a team will select Lance over Fields. Both of which carry astronomical odds. But you be you dude.
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