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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. If you quit following the story then quit posting on this thread. This story changes every 48 hours.
  2. He is asking has there ever been a civil or criminal case where there have been double digit plaintiffs that have all been exposed as lying. Good luck finding an example. Its a strange hill to pick to die on
  3. Who is going to offer what? Give me a scenario
  4. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31113664/summary-lawsuits-deshaun-watson Jesus H Christ guys this took all of 10 seconds to google. Many of these girls have legit businesses. Lets not make this about the women
  5. Sit at 8 and let the draft come to you. Its a no brainer
  6. Here is the thing with that. Will the Broncos offer even more than the Niners did for the 4rth qb off the board? Seems like a huge gamble to get a guy for that price.
  7. I tend to believe 25 women telling essentially the same story
  8. Pitts on that offense would be pretty sick but there main need is corner
  9. Maybe I a reading it wrong but Goff has a dead cap hit of 30 mil for 2022
  10. His dead cap money is 30000 in 2022 unless I am reading that wrong.
  11. Goff is on the books for 2 more years. They ain't cutting him. That's stupid to even suggest
  12. Yeah the smokescreen angle makes zero sense
  13. Pitts on that offense would be devastating but their main issue is at corner
  14. It’s probably going to take 3 first to move up for Denver and then you are probably selecting the 4rtf qb off the board. Wayyyyy to risky IMO
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