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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. How do you figure 2 years? How is it possible to get a rookie qb up to speed that quickly and completely overhaul the line and fill in the other holes? We are in a bad bad spot as we stand here today as a franchise
  2. Dying on the cam hill is a weird line of defense all things considered
  3. Sigh. Its not logical if you try and force it and not get value. For us to trade back someone has to fall in love with a qb and then blow us away with an offer. I just dont see it this draft. Its top heavy with lineman and motherfuger we have to capitalize on it
  4. He could be a complete bust and you will still be making excuses for him. See how that works. It’s funny that you think you are smarter then all the nfl insiders, scouts and teams. Howell is just not viewed as high as you think he should be. It’s like that dude last year who had the hard on for trask.
  5. He’s trolling now. On one level I kind of like it.
  6. And more importantly even if we got Howell or someone else they would be ruined by the time we actually invested in the line. This isn’t rocket science. An above average line tremendously affects the development of young qbs.
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