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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. No way. He has made some really really bad trades. Henderson Darnold All the trading down last year in the draft Perryman I dont trust this dude running jackshit yet
  2. I suppose if the grammar were correct it would be an insult.
  3. I think (hope) by getting burned 2 years in a row that they will pump the brakes a bit. Plus he is hurt.
  4. They have gotten burned on teddy and darnold. They have to have learned their lesson by now. Third time the charm and all
  5. Nah. It’s simple. We aren’t giving up draft capital for a hurt qb on a 1 year deal when we have darnold eating a cool 18 mill. If in the unlikely event he gets cut we are not giving jimmy g a multi year deal to come here. in closing jimmy g isn’t coming to Charlotte
  6. Take the best left tackle at 6. Make rhule run it back with darnold for next season. Especially since he talked him up and gave up draft capital for him. If that doesn’t work fire rhule hire a new guy and draft a new qb in the first so they come up together. This isn’t rocket science.
  7. Agreed but even the dumb options are dwindling. They are painting themselves into a corner and will have to start darnold
  8. Musical chairs is ending and they may not have a choice. Pickett or Willis isn’t winning any more games in 2023 then darnold.
  9. Or we could draft our very own version of Johnny manziel (willis)
  10. Finally someone gets it. He is going to trade back for pennies on the dollar because he fuged up last year
  11. https://theathletic.com/3235087/2022/04/08/nfl-draft-top-quarterbacks/ Another damn good article This qb class is pretty shitty on the whole
  12. I wish people would understand that Allen Is nowhere close to the norm in the nfl. So much had to go right for him to get where he is.
  13. 100%. There are maybe 3 qbs in the nfl that can learn numerous offenses in a few seasons and be successful.
  14. It makes too much sense to work. I trust Fitt and Rhule are going to fug that up somehow
  15. I think that is pretty much the case. Darnold starts 1-5 and then Rhule rolls pickett out to (try) and save his job
  16. I dont see any scenario where we can unload Darnold even if we agree to pay some of his salary. Who is trading for that? Why would we do that? Then are you saying we are going to trade for Baker/Jimmy because that would be monumentally retarded to do something like that for a year under their current salaries. I doubt either would get straight cut and if they did why would they come here on a 1 year deal. None of that makes any sense. Bringing them here probably isnt a realistic option
  17. That’s something retarded that I can see the panthers doing. Let the rookie learn from Sam. Yeah that’s the tits. Then when rhule is fired Willis can then learn another system from the new coach. build the line. Run it back with Sam and then get a new coach and new qb and let them learn together
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