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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. marginally, with creating a headache in the offseason
  2. they just say its obvious that this staff is "scraping and clawing" trying to make it to another year without a solid plan
  3. its not a bad deal but it doesnt do poo for the long term, what exactly does it accomplish for one year? Listen to the podcast they break it down from all sides, pro/con long term short term
  4. 6 minute mark basically whats the point for a 1 year rental and they break it down long term and short term
  5. https://theathletic.com/podcast/211-the-athletic-football-show/?episode=417 just brutal
  6. There is no value at all if it doesnt factor into our long term plans. We are not winning the super bowl this year and its a damn stretch with our schedule to think we will be in contention for a wildcard spot, so I just dont see the damn use of it at all. There is no future with him. Its another wasted season.
  7. Neither, neither makes a lick of sense, at least Det got a ton of picks for taking on that contract. And you saying baker is a starter is a bit of a reach 6-12-6-6
  8. darnold wins = 4,7, 2, 4 - 17 Mayfield wins = 6,12, 6, 6 - 30 oops its 5 my bad
  9. I did the math in my head, let me you configure
  10. 1. The pats (kraft) wanted brady to come back 2. Cam is/was shot, even our poo ass staff could see that 3. Stafford played the bulk of his career in Det and gave his all and in turn they got a kings ransom for trading him 4. I dont remember the details of montana but I suspect they knew Young was way better then him at that point of his career 4. Ryan and his contract was way too much for a team in rebuild mode none of these are even remotely close to the browns/mayfield situation
  11. Nope but at least there isnt a collective 8 fuging years of tape on him to go off of. We are not making the playoffs this year and this perpetual pursuit of trying to fix this team with duct tape is getting old. Quit throwing poo against the wall and trust the players you drafted
  12. Thats a hell of a lot smarter then trotting out 2 qbs that have averaged 4 wins per year in the last 4 seasons. Go big or go home, at least you know what you have.
  13. https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2022/7/6/23197283/baker-mayfield-trade-carolina-panthers-cleveland-browns this dude lays it out and includes vegas odds, man up dude and gamble on your post
  14. If you can play you can play rolling them out there too early is not a thing anymore.
  15. the same staff that signed Teddy for 3 years and trading a poo ton for Darnold. Yeah, so......... Keep fluffing this poo organization we will see who is right in about 4 months
  16. why is it always the panthers making these low risk high reward trades? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
  17. as opposed to what? My plan is to create a plan for your 3rd qb to start and see what you have. We are not making the playoffs no matter who starts
  18. its a bit too early to think he isnt ready, and again we had a first round grade on him and these same professionals signed teddy, traded for darnold
  19. I dont want to tank I want to have a fuging plan and trading a 5th (4rth) for a one year rental of Baker isnt anything close to a fuging plan
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