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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I am happy she at least tried but she should have worded it more directly instead of letting rhule say word vomit
  2. yep, and the poster who said this helps the vibe in the locker room knowing rhule has your back is clinically insane
  3. thats kindof the point, why isnt it the same situation because it damn well should be. At the minimum Corral should be getting the 3rd string reps and he clearly isnt.
  4. Yes, their head coach is a wonderkid named mcdaniel from the san fran coaching tree. He is installing something along the lines that shannahan runs so yes its a completely no offense for Skyler Skyler is 3rd string behind Tua and our boy Bridgewater. But apparently he can still play the entire fuging game somehow, its clearly a miracle
  5. The skyler thompson? The kid that came from the no huddle offense from deep in Kansas? If I am tepper I am asking rhule some tough questions right about now "Tell me again why we traded our 3rd for this guy and your are not playing him?"
  6. At least Sheena tried to ask the question, albeit it was phrased as a softball but she at least tried. Props to her
  7. Some rando named skyler played the entire game. This rando was a 7th round pick and came from a no huddle offense in college but somehow miami figured out a way to get him up to speed.
  8. The bigger picture you should be concerned about is when we are now having to create these weird ass reasons why rhule is doing poo like this and even then it doesnt make sense. I thought hiring some former head coaches and guys with experience would create the proverbial "adult in the room" experience but alas I was dead fuging wrong
  9. Holy poo just went through the box scores and guess how many other teams played 4 qbs? Holy poo rhule you are a fuging idiot. Damn ridder played almost the entire game. Bailey fuging zappe played almost the entire game Some rando 7th round pick named Skyler played the entire fuging game What the fug are we doing here dumbass? Get your poo together rhule
  10. why did every single rookie that played do better? Every single one of them. So the main thing that is hurting MC is coming from an RPO? Thats the main reason he is 4rth string and being treated like a chubby freshman? Because I watched Willis the other night and his offense in college was a one read as well and he was light years better then our boy. At some point we have to look in the mirror and understand we are the problem. We being the coaches
  11. I wish we had a media member that wasnt scared to ask difficult questions. I mean damn its a legit storyline to ask about. "Coach Rhule, why are you playing 4 quarterbacks in a preseason game and what is your rationale for playing time?" Very simple question
  12. I'll bite: Give me your absolute best case for rhule and the panthers in regards to trading PJ? Whats the best realistic outcome you can think of? Do the same for Darnold. My answer: At absolute best someone trades a conditional 7th for pj and the same for darnold assuming we eat 3/4 of his contract Now ask yourself is that worth running training camp and a preseason game around that?
  13. I think I am in love with Icky. That is the aggression we have needed for so long on the oline
  14. For those keeping score, every rookie qb that played did better and has been handled completely different in training camp. But hey matt rhule says trust the process
  15. Yeah that "theory" is really retarded. But we are dealing with Matt Rhule so who knows. Its just crystal clear rhule has no idea how to run a modern day NFL team.
  16. and again, pickett had a horrendously bad training camp but yet he thrives tonight
  17. no its more of "help me understand the process......." basically every other rookie qb showed promise but what are we doing here
  18. If I am david tepper I am asking some really tough questions tonight,
  19. he is a one trick pony, all he can do is crush the ball he cannot place it
  20. What is your initial hot take about overall win total after 1 preseason game?
  21. That is such a stupid fuging rationale. No fuging way rhule is fuging with Matt corrals development just to show the looker room he looks out for his guys. I am sorry man that is just retarded. If Matt Rhule doesnt see that pj walker will be out of the nfl the second he is cut from the panthers then we have bigger problems then we anticipated. No coach in the history of the nfl is letting a guy play needless snaps just to show other teams some tape. I am sorry that is beyond retarded. You know what keeps a lockerroom tight, showing that you know what you are doing and trotting pj out there when everyone and their brother knows he is a goner is not showing you know what you are doing.
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