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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Is there another team that hasn't named their starter yet or are we the only one?
  2. He should send me a PM. I will give him plenty of material
  3. I am not panicking over corral I am panicking over our coaching staff
  4. You don’t think coaching factored it to it? Plus they both have been getting a ton of reps in camp. Big difference
  5. I couldn’t have said it better. Awesome post
  6. This is the textbook definition of a clown show
  7. A 5th and a 7th rounder just massively outplayed him. Hmmm wonder why?
  8. I thought they preferred midget instead dwarf
  9. we cant say midget any more?
  10. Its insane to keep seeing people saying we are showcasing sam and PJ. What in the holy fug do you really think we could get for either. Maybe a 7th?
  11. Yep, I am not understanding why rhule is trying to reinvent the wheel.
  12. ding ding ding same as the other rookies
  13. 100% Care to explain why the other rookies from gimmicky offenses did light years better?
  14. jesus dude he played 50% of the snaps of course he is going to look better Pj needs to be cut like yesterday
  15. good, rhule has bankrolled him far too long as it is
  16. then if that is true (which I believe) it shows that fitt force fed Corral on rhule and thus explaining things
  17. This is 110% on rhule. I give him poo where he probably doesnt deserve it but when it comes to this its all on him. He is the head coach for fugs sake
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