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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Ive watched him a lot this year and he is getting better. Still has a long way to go but you can see the potential. I would say roughly 2 throws out of 10 make your jaw drop. His talent is ridiculous I am just not sure how long it would take to get him up to speed.
  2. I think there is a vast difference between having your boot off and going through a nfl practice.
  3. There is another article (I will try to find it) that says when he had the surgery that it would be august at the earliest before he could practice in full.
  4. https://www.sportszion.com/matt-corral-lisfranc-injury-panthers-rookie-qb-likely-to-miss-11-6-months-if-surgery-is-required-per-sports-medicine A Lisfranc injury is serious because of the strain football players place on their feet; the healing time can take anything from six months to a year, depending on the severity. A research from the American Journal of Sports Medicine in 2016 revealed that NFL athletes with Lisfranc injuries missed an average of 6.2 months when they skipped surgery, on the other hand those who received surgery missed an average of 11.6 months. Patients who need surgery typically can’t put any weight on the afflicted foot for six to eight weeks after the procedure. He had surgery
  5. Isnt that exactly why they drafted him? I recall that he blew them away during the interview/workout process because he was doing just that.
  6. I dont think I would call relying on a 3rd round qb that cannot even practice until august with a new staff and new offensive scheme "safe". There is a ton of risk with picking a qb in the top 10 but at some point it has to be done
  7. If I was a bears fan I would be pumped about the future, they just need to spend some cash and draft well. I suspect they will have the chance to get the best tackle in the draft since the teams ahead of them will be focused on the qbs
  8. dude needs to fix his acoustics he sounds like he is in a damn taliban cave
  9. like I said, they need to fix their line because he is running for his life
  10. what does past staffs have to do with anything current? Thats a weird take
  11. They need to fix their line stat. Ive watched the past 3 bears games and their line is probably as bad as ours was last season.
  12. It might be the right move but I doubt it happens for a ton of reasons. For starters you need a partner that is going to give up the farm for your pick and more times then not its for a qb. I think if they like a Richardson/Duggan/Penix type player they will just pick them and not get cute. The combine is going to be extra interesting for us this year.
  13. He quite literally won the lottery. Why in the hell would anyone want that grind of a job having to deal with 17 18 year olds and all that comes with that? Dude if you want to work do some commentating but even then I would question why. 70 million dollars is a poo ton of money and you could never spend that in 5 lifetimes
  14. This is basically the only option at this point. I feel we are getting a guy no matter where our selection is even if that means "reaching". Still think we are picking around 5/6/7 and still think we are getting AR. Just makes too much sense.
  15. If that coaching staff thinks its a good idea and can be done then I would trust that.
  16. The line was pretty bad at times on Sunday. 4 sacks lots of pressures no run game so yeah they were bad. As to icky specifically I would have to rewatch but the ravens dline certainly won that matchup
  17. you have 70 million in the bank fuging disappear dude, you won Life
  18. Oh boy, care to admit you are wrong? PFF 30.6. He sucked ass yesterday
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