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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. and he is coming off a 57% 160 yard game with a fumble on the goal line. Some people on here are fuging delusional
  2. For all you guys advocating making wilks the head guy this is a must listen from our boy ellis. The bust rate on going from interim to full time head coach is at least 90%. Listen here about 40 minutes and they go through the history of interim to full. Its not pretty https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9IcXp4YjNkNQ/episode/MTFjMjdjMTYtNzA0OS0xMWVkLTkyNmQtY2JkNDZiMzQxMzAw?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwi5ppqHkNb7AhUxlWoFHR5aCPQQjrkEegQIIRAF&ep=6
  3. you just made 70 million for doing nothing, shut the fug up
  4. You are not wrong but we saw in real time on sunday around the 2nd qt Denver completely quit, I am not sure I have ever witnessed it live like I did on Sunday
  5. we had a franchise qb with both of those teams
  6. I think you need a minimum of 500 posts before you can start a crazy ass thread.
  7. backdooring our way into the playoffs because of a crappy division with 8ish wins would be catastrophic for this franchise on so many damn levels
  8. And he went full darnold at the goalline yet nobody is mentioning that.
  9. Playing darnold is the tank. We just ran into a really really shitty team yesterday. I have watched denver maybe 2x this season and thought they were bad but I couldnt comprehend just what I witnessed yesterday. What we saw yesterday was a nfl team literally quitting in real time. Seattle is going to be interesting. Hard place to play with a team overachieving.
  10. That short term mentality is what has fuged us for 3 seasons now
  11. A) no more retreads B)We couldnt afford him C) Why would he want to come here?
  12. Are you guys forgetting this fool fumbled on the goal line? fug Sam darnold. No way in hell I want him on this roster next year.
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