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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. you didnt think cam was a great qb 4 years into his career?
  2. I cant see Houston with a new coach not picking a qb. Assuming he gets fired
  3. He’s been at Michigan for 8 years without any problems. Maybe just maybe it was the 49ers owners and gm being *****. I mean what more did they want him to do?
  4. maybe I am missing something here but is $20 million a good contract offer for a nfl head coach?
  5. 55 is bad. He was a complete liability. Biggest game of his career and he shits the bed
  6. I hope they clash, that would be awesome. Tepper needs a bit of humility imo
  7. Gotta think if we hire Jim he is going to want to bring in his GM
  8. I think Stroud on this team in 2023 easily wins this poo division. He is exactly the type of qb that we need. Very efficient, makes all the throws and can stretch the field and he can start day 1. He isnt the immensely talented guy like Allen, pat m, or lamar he is however a version of the old school pocket passer that puts the ball exactly where it needs to go. A souped up version of cousins. If he falls to 2 then I pray fitt can figure out a way to go get him.
  9. His pff grade is 65. He is a total liability in the run game as we saw and he rarely if ever completely dominates a game. Now all that is fine but he is not worth 2 firsts and a second on top of 30 million per. At no point was he ever doubled on Sunday and its been like that all year. Offenses do not have to scheme around him. He is a one trick pony. Nobody is saying he isnt good or doesnt bring value but all things considered I would have taken the 3 high draft picks and saved the money we are inevitably going to pay him. And that is even before you look at the rams situation and what potentially could happen to them. There are roughly 20 guys with double digit sacks and many of those are guys picked in the 2nd, 3rd and even 4rth rounds. There are guys like Reddick that can be got in free agency. But all in all for me trading cmac and then not trading burns clearly shows that fitt is in over his head with no clear plan. Until you have a qb none of this poo matters and those picks could have potentially helped us in acquiring one.
  10. If true I agree, however I would be hard pressed to believe that is what happened
  11. Okay cool. Who is relaying him the info? How reliable is the info? Who does goddell call to cancel the game? There are just so many variables its crazy. Like I said I doubt the nfl has a protocol on how this works. I would love to bash the nfl on any and everything but all things considered taking control of this situation 30ish minutes after the fact is pretty damn good Now if you want to bash them for not having a plan in place if someone dies on the field then yeah thats a totally different argument but for tonight they did what they could
  12. who makes the call? I know your frustration but its simply not that easy when you are dealing with an organization as big as the nfl
  13. 100% I seriously doubt the nfl has any sort of protocol on how to handle this type of situation. I love to bash the nfl and goddell but after working for many big corporations there is no magical swipe of the wand to handle this type of stuff.
  14. I doubt there is protocol on how to call the game off at this point. This is a totally new experience for the nfl, unprecedented. I doubt they know how to officially call it at this point. They have to coordinate with espn, the stadium, teams etc. The chain of command is really fuging muddled I would imagine
  15. its a formality at this point, they just have to go through the proper channels to call the game, no way they play
  16. I bet espn is regretting showing multiple angles of that play and the replay. fug that was hard to watch after the fact
  17. I bet they know the severity of whats going on but they just cannot say. He is either brain dead or already past away the players on the field knew from the jump something bad had happened
  18. Alright cool. Based on what you just described burns as, do you think he is worth more then 2 firsts and a second?
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