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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. At the combine Young measured in at 5' 10" and 204 pounds. There are 36 quarterbacks in NFL history who have played at least 50 games at six feet and 210 pounds or fewer. Eleven of them played in at least 100, most recently Drew Brees. I mean this has to be acknowledged. We are banking on the rarest of rare outcomes
  2. ^ thats the best you could find LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  3. rhule darnold willis baker and now young. God help us
  4. I was told yesterday the nfl has been changing the rules to stop hits like this
  5. Or just pick richardson and watch both sides burn
  6. Like it or not those two guys will probably be linked and compared on here until the end of time.
  7. I really think we are making a big mistake going with young. I’ll get on the train once it happens but damn.
  8. https://www.theringer.com/video/2023/4/19/23689432/is-c-j-stroud-the-most-talented-passer-in-the-2023-nfl-draft
  9. so it just was a total coincidence with rg3 was that his frame was a concern and they worried about his body holding up long term and lo and behold that came to fruition?
  10. Its not me that has spoken those were the negatives on rg3 coming out. Believe it or not but his career was ended prematurely. If you choose not to believe the knocks on him thats cool but the proof is in the pudding
  11. “I think when you get to quarterbacks and NFL in general, you always want to try to figure out, do you have the best that’s in the position of this right now?” Tepper said, via Alaina Getzenberg of the Charlotte Observer. “And that’s constant evaluation and re-evaluation of that. And that’s what we’ll constantly go through. “It’s an ongoing process and it’s a question of who can be that guy that can help you win. That’s the most important position on the field. … Unless you have that guy for sure that gets you to playoffs and Super Bowls, you have to keep reevaluating that because that’s the only thing that matters is Super Bowls. And until you have that guy, you’re evaluating, evaluating, evaluating every year.”
  12. I mean I kindof laid it out albeit sarcastically on the 4rth page. Sorry you are having issues with reading competency. RG3 - concerns about his frail frame, synder was the last owner to personally go to a pro day, Synder pushed to move up to draft him Young - Concerns about his frail frame, Tepper (and his wife) personally go to his pro day, Tepper pushes fitt to move to one. Summary: We are fuged
  13. Its literally in the first fuging post of this thread. Its what this thread is about.
  14. https://www.nfl.com/prospects/robert-griffin-iii/32004752-4928-3140-9891-1e10fb560bfb Weaknesses RG3 has a slight size deficiency and could have some durability issues if he is hit enough times https://www.sbnation.com/2012/1/3/2678660/robert-griffin-iii-2012-nfl-draft-scouting-report One of the knocks you'll often read about Griffin is about his size — listed at 6-foot-2 and 220 pounds. That's a similar size to Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers, but he doesn't take hits like Griffin does. Because of that, you'll always wonder about Griffin's long-term health. https://walterfootball.com/scoutingreport2012rgriffin.php Could use some more bulk to handle hitting
  15. my point is that its extremely irregular for an owner to be that involved in the process and to not to assume he is balls deep in the decision making process (along with his wife)
  16. thats the bigger issue, if/when young gets hurt the debate will shift that it wasnt because of his frame much like murray, tua, rg3 etc. But being bigger simply helps you absorb some of those scrambles and hits. Getting beaten on like those dudes mentioned takes a toll on your body and at some point something breaks. ACL, ankle, ribs, concussion. Something breaks
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