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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I dont understand why its so hard
  2. He pushed for #1 when Fitt says they could go to 3 if I remember correctly
  3. yep, really starting to feel like we should have held pat and see what unfolds
  4. I am really starting to think we should have just stayed put and let the draft unfold before we made any moves. Still think its possible this kid will be there at 9.
  5. how has the game passed him by. He built teams with great defenses and great running attacks, you know kindof like what philly did this year
  6. thanks, tepper has been pretty quiet through this process but I do hope he speaks after the draft
  7. I dont read the site anymore and only read what gets posted on here. I take your word for it but the CO was utter poo for literally decades. I mean for fugs sake we had other cities newspaper covering shinn and his issues and shitty trades more in depth then our local guys. When you have to go to the philly inquirer or the ny post to get info on your team something is wrong
  8. you have moments of clarity and slightly above average knowledgeable posts. Fowler has been utter poo for literal decades his dad was even worse. I soured on the charlotte observer a long long time ago when they didnt go after shinn hard back in the day 4rth time on here posting this story but it completely and utterly made me turn on the observer Ive told this story on here before but in in the early 2000's after a panther game my friends and I ran into Tom Sorenson of the Charlotte Observer at the southend brewery. He sat with us for a while and at some point he was asked directly about why the CO wasnt more critical of Jerry Richardson. He basically said Charlotte is a nice quiet southern town and the people here didnt want those types of stories or those types of reporters/columnists that cause drama. I am obviously paraphrasing but we asked about why the paper wasnt going after shinn and the hornets harder as well when he was going through his troubles and all the crappy moves they made. He just said there is not an audience for that. We argued and argued and he just didnt understand. Maybe he was playing dumb but I remember being incredulous at the time that the people in the media thought that asking hard questions would turn off readers
  9. Scott Fowler has been covering the team for almost 30 years and if that dumbass told me the sky was blue I still wouldnt believe him. I doubt he has any legit sources and is a moron in general.
  10. If he is legit he is sure writing for some weird ass website, but again its out there now its on stroud and his team to correct it
  11. His wiki page is less then impressive Bob McGinn is an American sportswriter, best known for his 38-year tenure covering the Green Bay Packers. McGinn, who retired in 2017, worked for the Green Bay Press-Gazette and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel since the early I suspect if strouds score is being reported wrong then we should hear something by the end of the day. If its not refuted.......oh boy Would makes sense now that AR is our #2 if they value the s2 that heavily I for one welcome our bryce young overlords
  12. I live and breathe football and I have never heard of a site called Golong or mcginn draft. Doesnt mean he isnt credible but its a pretty rando site
  13. If it leaks from more then one person I would probably give it a bit more credence to the report but its on some rando article for now
  14. Since when did being calm under pressure become a bad thing. Like I said its a hit piece, he may have scored bad but damn this week some people have been leaking some bullshit about stroud
  15. I dont think the test means nothing but it is weird this is the first year a big deal has been made of it. If he scored 18, which seems like something is way off compared to the other scores, then I would like to hear it from him. The s2 dudes said all the top qbs scored high so this is kindof weird.
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