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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. For the super bowl. Probably 2. For the playoffs def 1 more off season should do it. The poo drafts from the past couple of years are not doing us any favors and it clearly shows. Fitt even mentioned it yesterday
  2. Optimism is completely different than realism. Fitterer just told you but yet you still don’t listen
  3. Noted and we have discussed and acknowledged that. However there is also a possibility that we go into the bye something like 1-5, 0-6. That would be tough to turn around. No true easy games before the bye
  4. You can think it all you want but its simply not realistic.
  5. sure they are obtainable, but its not realistic, that was more of a generic type coach speak and I suspect you know this. Of course he is going to say the goal is to win, why wouldnt he say that?
  6. Also please point me to the quote where frank said we are contending right away
  7. Kid you are getting angry over 2 completely different things. Whether you "refuse to accept a losing culture" has no bearing on the path of this season. New coach, new scheme, new rookie qb. One has to be either super young (as I suspect you are) or totally irrational (or could be this one) to think just because we "won" 7 games last season over dog poo teams and almost back doored us into the playoffs that we should be some juggernaut this year. These things take time, we explained it do you and you refused to listen now the fuging GM of the team is saying the exact same thing and you are refusing to listen. Thats on you.
  8. Its almost as if you didnt listen to us when we clearly explained to you what this season is.
  9. I think reality is starting to set in now for some folks after seeing this team on paper
  10. he was and he blew it He is not head coach material in 2023 version of the nfl. Early 90's sure he may do fine but we already hired a guy with wilks skillset and his name was Ron. it doesnt work, if it did teams would be lined up to at least interview him, spoiler alert.........they didnt
  11. well then teams should be lined up to interview him then right?
  12. Then Bengals as well and the Saints game which they totally threw for us
  13. I like it because its just seems like regular dudes that love the panther talking about the team. Cody does try and take a professional scout take way too much. Screaming about Corral being an all world prospect and saying brady christenson is a better LT then icky are just 2 of his wild ass takes. He needs to leave the scouting reviews at the door and just talk panthers
  14. The “leader of men” style coaching is out dated and doesn’t work in 2023.
  15. steve wills was my 10th grade weight lifting coach brings back memories
  16. There should be no fuging discussion on draft day. You have a draft board and you have to live by it. I mean its only takes years and years of research to put it together
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