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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. When its light wind and 85 its best to take advantage of the weather. Will be plenty of cold windy days that I can hunker down. I have listened to many a panther game on the radio so its no biggie to me. I will record it and watch later this evening. (assuming no blowout)
  2. After blowing my wife off last week to watch the game she is punching my card and we are going on the boat. I guess I will listen to the game as there is no way I can tape it and not know the outcome of the game. With that said, whats the best way to stream the game to listen? thanks for the help
  3. I think its a stupid argument all the way around but couldnt you argue the exact same thing for Horn?
  4. $20 Newton asks him about this after the game tomorrow
  5. Joe Brady is going to have his pick of jobs at this rate
  6. You've never heard Wentz criticized? You are either lying or deaf.
  7. I dont think Brady did a bad job at all. The plays were there upon a second watch. And a couple of other observations from me watching the game last night: 1. Our line did pretty good in the first half but then the Jets made some changes and put more pressure on them in the second. 2. It appeared to me that Brady dialed everything way back in the 3rd qt because it felt like the game was completely in hand. Right or wrong I think that was the game management style for the 2nd half on sunday
  8. You are insane. Both of your statements are LOL funny
  9. Well he did just manhandle Chase Young..............again
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