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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. So we go from "this is a conspiracy crafted by the team" to "they are all escorts" to "the lawyer is lying" to "this is a cash grab" to "their feelings are hurt". You got it man, you are on a roll.
  2. Yes that is exactly what you have been doing here. U really don’t think someone could pay all these women to come out and say this. Lol we have some real smart people on here. SMDH
  3. No your words speak for themselves. You are perpetuating a lie to try and prove your insane theory.
  4. "They are not random... it has been said that the, “massages” were set up by his QB trainer/coach. That is the link between the women and DW" Thats not bad wording thats a straight made up lie one that you made up to prop up your "theory" that DW is being set up by the team.
  5. https://www.chron.com/sports/texans/article/Deshaun-Watson-massage-lawsuits-graphic-details-16035284.php This article says otherwise but I think you knew what you posted was a lie in real time
  6. You have a link where the trainer set this up? That’s the first I have heard of that.
  7. You have a example of say 5 or more women lying about sexual assault accusing one guy? I doubt you do.
  8. Trey lance isn’t moving the needle in 2021 nor is fields.
  9. Do you think it is possible that the lawyer found 10 or more woman that would be willing to lie that Watson went overboard with them having never met him before? Pretty simple question but I doubt you will answer
  10. Nobody is finding 22 random women looking for a payday that is going to straight lie about being with Watson. Jesus h Christ people think this through. It isn’t hard.
  11. If there are 22 women alleging the same thing to a degree there is a 0% chance they all are lying.
  12. Its basically the 3rd incarnation of it with aliases chiming in now
  13. The pushback I will give here is that the san fran roster is built to win now. Its not really one where a rookie qb can come in and win especially with a project like Fields or lance. Our roster is more compatible with one of those 2 since we are a couple years away. They are not. They may just roll the dice with Jimmy and pray he doesnt get hurt again. I just dont see them mortgaging the future for Fields
  14. Honesty if the draft doesnt fall our way (Lance at 8 ) then we can easily build the oline by either trading down or picking SLater at 8 and then the top guard in the 2nd. Boom our line is fixed for the next decade.
  15. My wife put 250,000 miles on her outback before we get her a minivan. Outbacks are awesome imo
  16. I hear you, but in regards to the panthers I would prefer not to have this big of a project to hopefully take over the reigns post Teddy.
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