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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Well we had our chance last year at an epic class of LT's and hurndog did his hurndog things
  2. I am mentally prepared, right or wrong, for Mac Jones to be the starter for the panthers at some point in 2021. Personally I would rather build around Lance but I can easily see why they would go with Jones if Lance is there. He is a massive project that probably needs at least 2 years of seasoning.
  3. Show me a case where 13 women all lied. I'll wait
  4. Yeah man I am still waiting on your link where double digit women have been paid to falsify a story about someone. Surely its happened before since you are so adamant about it. Just post the link.
  5. "U really don’t think someone could pay all these women to come out and say this. Lol we have some real smart people on here. SMDH "
  6. Its what he is saying........but he isnt picking sides
  7. No offense man, but if you are using Michael Jackson as some sort of defense of this situation then I am going to slowly back out because you have completely lost your motherfuging mind
  8. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31113664/summary-lawsuits-deshaun-watson This aint that hard bro
  9. https://247sports.com/Article/Greg-McElroy-assesses-Mac-Jones-performance-Pro-Day-Alabama-Crimson-Tide-2021-NFL-Draft-162954577/
  10. If 14+ women are accusing him of pretty much the same thing then to me that is proof. I know it’s sketchy in a court of law but if a dozen or so have the same story then I am believing them. One or two then I would want a ton more info but this many........
  11. Give me a scenario where at least 14 women are lying about this.
  12. Never said he was guilty but I did say when the accusers hit double digits that is incredibly incriminating especially they all say pretty much the same thing. They all arent some random instagram models a lot of them are licensed and professional. So yeah, it aint looking good for him. But if you have an example of a conspiracy of a lawyer or whoever paying 20 or so women to blatantly lie about someone then by all means post it.
  13. Do you think all of the women are lying? Are you still thinking they are all being paid because I can bring up your post again if you would like?
  14. Who is talking about criminal court? I am speaking in more public opinion and in turn the NFL. If he does get criminally convicted who knows what happens. Does it make it to trial, does he plead, how many charges will he get? Its still really early in the process but I have to think the NFL dings him after their investigation
  15. Normally I am with you on the evidence front but man how do you get 20+ women to basically all tell the same story? It doesnt look good
  16. With each new lawsuit and each new accuser its starting to point in one and only direction.
  17. I would guess its a weird fetish he has picked up along the way.
  18. Saying he has a "pretty good case" is not the same as saying reserve judgement. FYI.
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