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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Gtfo of here with that bullshit. You guys are making corral out to be some retard high school player that cannot even tie his own shoes.
  2. No it doesn’t. It means rhule is a fuging idiot. Corral is further behind then Willis? Gtfo
  3. So we had a first round grade on corral. We traded assets to get him but we are not even going to let him play over some dude that’s going to be in Canada soon. Seriously what the fug are you doing rhule
  4. fug you rhule. Seriously go fug yourself you college coach loser
  5. I want to see that for myself if that is true. Which I don’t believe
  6. Can linville reopen the fire rhule thread. This is insanity
  7. My 16 year old kid just made that joke lololololololol
  8. Just one play in all honesty. But that one play might get a qb killed in the regular season
  9. Spoiler alert. Rhule is a fuging moronic college coach
  10. There is literally no reason this shouldn’t happen.
  11. Don’t worry rhule will make an excuse for him when asked about it
  12. He is a way bigger project then corral as well. This is just stupid
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