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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. not that I am aware of, but yes baker still does suck ass care to refute that?
  2. 4 fumbled snaps, 5 passes batted down, 1 (should be 2) int Baker is going to lead us to the holy land
  3. he still sucked ass, a bit better than sam but not the long term answer
  4. where’s my sunshine crowd at? Not even a half into game 1 and they be gone
  5. I’m just laughing at this point. Batted passes and ints. Exactly what Cleveland said
  6. For sure. Young, McCall and Stroud look legit. I only got a handful of plays from Miami but I did see Van Dyke make an amazing throw. Richardson got hit a few times and he was done. Wild to see
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