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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I dont know, maybe a competent game plan. Thats not really too much to ask is it? Whats your excuse going to be next week? And if consistency was what you are looking for maybe dumb ass rhule should have killed the charade of qb and LT competition
  2. bakers defenders are bringing it today. Love it
  3. magnificent game? What in the holy fug are we doing here people?
  4. We lose next week and this turns into the Chappell show.
  5. Tepper needs to blow this puppy up if it is going like it looks
  6. The game planning is the one thing the sunshiners are glossing over.
  7. So tell me again why we are discounting the first quarter?
  8. I could ask you the same question. 5 batted passes. Multiple fumbled snaps. Ints
  9. We don’t have the roster. Our oline dline and linebackers are lol funny. Not to mention our corners looked like ass as well
  10. give credit to the other sunshiners, blaming the refs and saying baker did a good job. Damn if nothing else its dedication
  11. sick burn, yes sick burn indeed stay positive, lets see how well that helps mrs rhule
  12. outside of the fumbled snaps, the int, the batted balls and missed wrs yeah man he looked aces
  13. not delighted just justifying what I already know, rhule is a moron and in over his head but you be you mr sunshine
  14. he loses next week in the same fashion there is nothing that can save his job, the game plan for today was retarded at absolute best
  15. you are conveniently leaving out our shitty game plan, our shitty defense and our shitty in game coaching but other then that how was the play ms lincoln
  16. lolololololololol we just lost to a poo browns team, should we be positive now?
  17. a franchise qb for the montreal teakeattles
  18. the rayufs, the rayufs Is that the rallying call for the 2022 season?
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