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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. He is a better player and doesnt have injury issues like chubb.
  2. Damn. We are going to seriously regret not getting those picks. Burns deal is going to blow that one out of the water
  3. If this were to happen I pray we have someone like Dorsey as HC and a OC from a similar system and they come out and say here is the 3-5 year plan for AR. There has to be a path setup for him to succeed
  4. Damn some sites are reporting the sale price will be between 6-7 billion. Holy poo and they need a new stadium. Crazy he bought the team for a record 800 million 23 years ago. Hell of an investment
  5. its going to be bezos, I would bet anything
  6. Yep, if he is a first round talent he is coming out. Better to come out early then to stay and show you suck
  7. Dline and oline and I won’t complain. They do need a starter mlb out of this draft though
  8. They can totally send this roster into another stratosphere in rounds 1-4 if they do their due diligence. Our main needs are what’s normally pushed down in the draft.
  9. Center mlb oline depth edge rusher in no particular order
  10. https://theathletic.com/podcast/211-the-athletic-football-show/?episode=530 New Prospect to Pros podcast just dropped and they go into the qbs and what they have done (or not done) this season to date. About 4 minutes in
  11. It wouldnt matter in the long run but it would be just drawn out for years and shitty for the league
  12. Yeah I know I worded it wrong, but there was speculation that he could dig in for a long legal battle instead of simply selling
  13. I dont think it works like that. Meaning he could tie this up in litigation if he wanted to
  14. In regards to Yound, which this conversation is centered, the concern about him is both his height and weight but more so him being sub 200lbs. Not sure why you think its a joke
  15. It wouldnt be hard to surmise that a million nfl star that is on the cusp of an amazing payday would want to go to a competent franchise in Los Angeles rather then this clown show he has experienced here in charlotte.
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