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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Sigh. Just because he is better then rhule doesn't mean he deserves the job.
  2. If he got that feedback he would be gone. He didn't
  3. He is probably going to want a 3-5 year deal. If it’s one year sure. Let darnold walk draft a guy and move on down the road
  4. Yeah I was wrong. Looks like they will cut him and he will have his choice of teams that pursue him. Undoubtedly one of them will be us imo.
  5. I was wrong. I just read the article on the ringer and the raiders were smart in their negotiating of his contract. I thought it was close to 30 million dead money it’s on 5ish
  6. I doubt they straight cut him. Somebody will give them something for him. That’s a ton of money to absorb to just make him go away.
  7. On the whole you are probably right however over 12 games it’s probably important to analyze if you are contemplating the direction of your franchise and it hinges on giving a guy a 5 year deal as your head coach. being a rah rah type coach a la foxy and riverboat is good for certain games. You can get the guys to run through brick walls for you for a handful of games. However when it comes time to out scheme a better coach/teams you end up with games like Balt Pitt and Cincy. Like I have said in the past, being a leader of men is one thing outscheming a nfl coach is completely something else. What tepper is thinking is anyones guess. But my gut thinks he wants to avoid a lawsuit one way or another.
  8. All things considered darnold is not better then Levis as an nfl prospect.
  9. Unc fans that didn't go there are the absolute worst
  10. Sorry wasn't directed at you per se just in general that shouldn't be the baseline for wilks
  11. Doing better then rhule should not be the benchmark for getting the job
  12. That's kinda what I was thinking. It could work but on the surface it doesn't look like a good idea And fug no to whoever suggested pep Hamilton
  13. Never called plays? That's a red flag. Not a deal breaker but needs some due diligence
  14. Maye is batshit crazy for not going to a top end school after last night. Too much of a gamble with too much at stake. Shitty weapons. Shitty coach. New offense I mean what he was 50% last night?
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