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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I have to imagine if he survives after the season his ass better find a franchise qb or his job is going to vanish. Remember one of the beat guys said tepper was furious at picking up darnolds option and that is 100% on fitt. So in short I think fitts leash is super short as we sit here today. He could be gone if one of those mega coaching candidates wants to bring their own guy as gm so i guess we will see
  2. Tight ends are the absolute last piece of the roster puzzle. Rarely tes, especially those picked in the first, are ever guys that completely change your offense. We have so many more needs then a first round te
  3. Ive said from the jump fitt was a fuging moron for taking this job and not have total control. I mean whats the point?
  4. so why trade cmac then? Trading cmac and then getting an even better offer for Burns and not doing it makes no fuging sense at all. are you trying to win, not trying to win, rebuilding not rebuilding? Make up your mind and have a fuging plan. Without a qb this franchise isnt winning poo and adding 2 firsts to our reserviour could go a long way in acquiring one
  5. Great post. Also you forgot that Rhule basically picked fitt so might as well scrub and and all things he did from this franchise
  6. He was running for his life yesterday. His line is 2021 panthers bad. They are in a perfect spot to trade out of 2 and still get the best tackle in the draft
  7. Who was the last te that was worthy of a first round pick? The greatest te prospect of our generation was Pitts and look at him now. And every year people just say "trade back, trade back" but there has to be someone willing to move up in more cases then not for a qb and if thats the case why would we move seeing how we desperately need a qb? We are simply not in a position as a franchise to trade back. Its imperative we get a qb
  8. Brown most certainly should have been called for a late hit on brady. I suspect however the refs are sick of his poo now so it actually worked in our favor
  9. He has multiple blunders, lets be honest here. But if you are in the camp that Rhule held all the power then he better have reciepts that he was against those moves. Anyone that has worked in the corporate world and on big projects/acquisitions know you have to document your work and if something is going the way you dont like you have to make notes on it. Its CYA at its basic form. So I suspect tepper knows what moves are what. And its the reason that even to this day that the panther beat guys still dont know if fitts job is safe
  10. Tight ends in the nfl do not hold round 1 value. They just dont. I suspect 1 of 2 things happen in the draft for us in the first. We either trade up and get Stroud or Young (who i suspect may drop a bit if his combine measurements surprise folks) or we draft AR at 9. I would love to draft that texas rb in the 2nd if he drops but I doubt he gets by the bills.
  11. I guess you are just illiterate if you don’t think I talked about burns for a week
  12. So you still haven’t said. In the biggest game of his career how did burns do?
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