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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. if you ask them 10years+ after I would say yeah The perpetual pain is not worth it
  2. What does bezos have a monopoly on? Such a strange post.
  3. I played through high school and still have shoulder issues and the occasional knee flare ups. If I knew then what I know now there is no way I am playing football. We didnt let our kids play, the poo is not worth it. I cannot imagine the damage those guys have playing 3/4 year in college and then into the nfl. If your dumbass didnt know what you were doing is bad for your body then thats on you. Also want to say I was lucky enough to never had a concussion, lord knows how fuged I would be if I had a couple of those under my belt
  4. Thats not it at all dude. You've been coming on here now for quite some time mockingly asking "whats so great about AR, why is he such a great prospect?" and then people point out why, they show you videos and reports from scouts/analysts you still keep your head in the sand. And then 20 minutes later you are asking the exact same question. If its shtick then its annoying. You can have a different opinion but to act like he doesnt have high level traits and he isnt a top prospect is just pretty dumb and telling.
  5. Some incredible plays in that video, starting to think he isnt going to drop to 9
  6. That might be the worst analogy I have ever read on this board. I mean your comparison is like Apples to Battleships. Its not even remotely close.
  7. Thats what he doesnt get or he is being obtuse on purpose. All of these guys are gambles so why not gamble big
  8. underwear olympics about to begin, but I think enough people have been watching his prior games and seeing whats really there good and bad and people are thinking his good is way too much to pass over
  9. So by my count Fitt has hit on 3 picks. Icky, Horn and BC. Granted its early but as we sit today after 2 drafts those are the 3 guys that are starters and contributing.
  10. With the rookie contract I think it’s a good philosophy if all the qbs in the draft are gambles. Why not take the biggest shot?
  11. No offense but that seems like an astronomically stupid idea
  12. IMO Stroud is the only sure fire franchise guy. High floor low ceiling. He is going to win games. I call him a kirk cousins clone on steriods. I love the kid but I seriously doubt there is a reasonable scenario or path for us to draft him. Then the other 3 all are huge gambles but if it gets to that might as well go big and gamble with the guy with the highest ceiling and that without a shadow of a doubt is AR.
  13. why bother, its been explained to you ad nauseam, nothing anyone posts is going to change your mind about how good of a prospect he is. Just know that you are way off on this kid.
  14. I would rather get a qb but if it came to this I wouldnt complain. The best olineman in the draft 2 years in a row sits fine with me. Having a top5 maybe top 3 line in the nfl is going to win you a lot of games
  15. If our plan to fix the qb situation here is to wait and draft hooker in the 2nd then we are dumber than dirt for a multitude of reasons. Having said that we have adults in the room now and they will come up with a better plan then that. Which is why I think Hooker will basically be off our qb board when it comes time to draft
  16. We absolutely knows what goes into what the "development" of a qb. Sure its film study but more importantly its reps and game experience.
  17. Do you have an example of a team trying to develop 2 qbs at the same time?
  18. It has nothing to do with rhule. Other teams dont do this. Why not? Because its not feasible. There are limits on practice time etc. Why in the hell would you split those when your job is on the line? Do you have an example of a team trying to develop 2 qbs at the same time?
  19. 2023 first, pick 61 and 2024 first Its steep to move up 6 spots but if the guy is there at 3 just fuging do it and move down the road. It would
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