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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. you realize you just made his point dont you? Nah I doubt you do
  2. God bless you as a mod to have to deal with this type of poo. I mean he is not even nuanced in his trolling
  3. In the Georgia game Stroud looked exactly like mahomes. Granted it was one game but it was a damn identical twin of him that night
  4. Preach brother, at least we can pull for someone not named baker, sam or teddy
  5. just for reference Drew Brees is the most accurate passer in the history of the nfl so thats quite the comparison
  6. I doubt he could do that to a bigger stronger qb. That’s the point. He flips him around to the ground with ease.
  7. He got a bad rap in the media. The people that truly knew him know what type of person he was.
  8. Russ at the combine had a different body. I just linked the pictures
  9. I think all signs point to cj. And you can simply narrow it down to being the exact qb Reich wants for his offense. He has never worked with a guy like young and he would have to do some pretty big adjustments to modify it.
  10. If he succeeds he would literally be the first and the tiniest qb to ever do it. You willing to gamble the #1 pick on that? fug no.
  11. Suspect that they either got past the size thing at the combine after meeting him or they took him off the board all together. I doubt there is an in between
  12. I’ve said all along young is the best qb in the draft but his size will not hold up. Now people such as yourself are comparing him to Wilson and his size and it’s clear from the pictures they have completely different body types. Russ is thick. Young is tiny.
  13. Wilson also worked out and threw at the combine. Wake me up when young looks like this https://www.google.com/search?q=russell+wilson+combine&client=safari&hl=en-us&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiYyOeK9OX9AhVRD1kFHcQdBBoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1112&bih=731&dpr=2
  14. In fairness he has been injured every he’s played in the league
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