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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Again, you should tell Reich this as he seems to have some serious concerns about it
  2. He literally says it’s his opinion and that the pick hasn’t been decided
  3. When you have pick one I am not sure what the benefit is by playing things close to the vest.
  4. Coaching goes a loooonnnnnnnggggggg way as well as we are about to see.
  5. If this is a bit to get houston to trade (which I dont believe) then they would just have Young in for a visit to see if they bite. The NFL would love for the #1 pick to be traded 2x
  6. Cool, but he clearly says its his opinion. Its not a source or a report. I mean tomorrow someone is going to start a thread that the panthers are in love with Stroud. Then Friday and reverts back to young. The draft cannot get here soon enough. Although I do think we will know 100% who the pick is a week or so from now.
  7. Yep, if they are seriously dialed in on Young and he is the pick why waste 3 of the 30 visits bringing in the other 3 qbs?
  8. He was obviously covering his ass after mel ripped him apart in regards to Reich has to like him etc
  9. He literally says the decision hasnt been made yet. His piece at the beginning is strictly his opinion and then Kiper pretty much contradicts him up and down the line.
  10. I think after the combine stroud was 99.9% the pick but I do think in their minds they probably could be swayed by AR because of his incredible workout. Not a large chance but they would at least do their due diligence on him
  11. So the book on Young is he is small, not that great of an athlete, not very mobile, has a decent not elite arm, has to move in the pocket to create throwing lanes but does anticipate pressure and works well when a play breaks down. Now ask yourself why in the hell would any coach want to work with that? You are starting behind the 8 ball with him.
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