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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. So here is the timeline of the past 72ish hours: Texans are not sold on Stroud and may go Anderson National guys and local beat reporters start saying its young Panther guys still say a trade down is available Young meets with Texans Person reports we like AR and would be a pick if we trade down thats choppy I admit but if you add that up it kindof does look like we are trying to bait houston to trade
  2. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-ringers-steve-ruiz-on-the-carolina-panthers/id1150966073?i=1000608745184 Damn after listening to this podcast, kindof makes me want AR even more. Makes some incredible arguments for why you should shoot for the moon with him.
  3. That seems to be his MO at this point, just throw tons of money at whatever the problem is.
  4. There is literally no defensive coach in America that is teaching a player not to hit the qb.
  5. Hence the problem. From the "reports" of the past 48hours its David and Nicole making the call
  6. The argument has never been that he isnt a good qb, the argument is will his body hold up across 17+ games for multiple years. I mean the least sacked qb last year was in the mid 20s and that doesnt factor pressures or qb hits. The kid is going to take punishment. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/which-qb-has-been-sacked-the-most-in-2022
  7. I dont think teams in the nfl play this type of next level chess and I give something like that less then 1% chance of happening but if, if we have stroud ranked higher and if we are able to trick the the texans into flipping for some draft capital then Fitt and crew deserve some unbelievable praise. That would be incredible to mindfug them like that. Having said that, thats just not how things work in the nfl. I think its going to be pretty telling if they interview young and then are like "nah we're good".
  8. His coaches and teammates say he is a lead by example dude, first in last out, and gets vocal when he needs to
  9. I am team stroud 100%, then AR and then young but if young is the pick I am on board and not looking back. I just hope to hell they know what they are doing because this has never been done before But you probably will have some residual posters (mostly aliases) that will perpetually compare they 2 as they go through their career. God help the huddle if young gets hurt year 1.
  10. I think it will be a minority, I think even if its young there will be a overwhelming sense of excitement that we finally have someone to build around
  11. its a nutty argument "Hey wheres that midget with the ball, I cant see him"
  12. A) Brees is the most accurate passer in the nfl and was famous for his quick release B) If you have to compare young to brees then you are already behind the 8 ball C) Young has made his living getting flushed from the pocket in college and while having 9-10 seconds to throw he still makes plays. Thats not going to be the norm in the nfl
  13. because he is 5'10? Gtfo with this nonsense, that literally makes no sense. Vita vea isnt going to be able to see him to tackle him? Goddamn dude
  14. The lsu tape posted yesterday had numerous examples of this being smaller is not an advantage, wtf is the huddler talking about?
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