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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. As we discussed before, wilson was a threat to run in both college and pros. 1500 yards and 5000 yards in college and pros with double digit tds. Young doesnt warrant that threat which IMO will be a problem in the nfl if the defense knows you dont do that. I get the scrambling ability but the defense is going to hone in on that rather quickly when they dont have to defend you taking off and scrambling for 10+ yards
  2. draft highly rated guard in the 2nd, let him earn his bones on the right side then in 2024 move BC over to RT, rg to lg and cut Moton when his contract allows to save 30 million Thats a good way to plan long term in regards to the oline
  3. theres been like 2 in modern era under 6ft. Murray being the most recent and he hasnt completed a full season yet. Now ask yourself why have there only been 2 qbs under 6ft to play qb in the modern era if size doesnt matter?
  4. A) How would he know that? B) whats a "bad" score? C) what is his definition of working out? See how easy this is?
  5. There are a few posters on here that most certainly hedged their bets
  6. Bears could have had 3 trades and still ended up in the top 10 with way more draft capital. They shot their load way too early.
  7. You are probably right I think its just the front office feeding person and newton crap just to troll folks.
  8. I read it differently, however, as I said this morning, I think this is just the panthers front office simply leaking poo to muddy the water. Letting Houston know we have 3 guys we like
  9. Hes good enough for pick 2 but not good enough for #1? That logic hurts my head especially since they are considering 3 guys.
  10. Found it https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/columnist/bell/2023/04/12/carolina-panthers-nfl-draft-pick-quarterback-bryce-young-cj-stroud/11643288002/ Reich, the Panthers new coach, and general manager Scott Fitterer will collaborate to make the call. "At the end of the day, the decision comes down to Scott and myself," Reich said. What if they don’t agree? You’d think that Panthers owner David Tepper would be the tiebreaker. Yet even without a so-called tie, it’s difficult to imagine the team going all-in on a rookie quarterback without Tepper’s blessing. "Mr. Tepper is heavily involved in the process," Reich said. "He’s been on record saying, 'This is Scott and Frank making this decision.' He’s intimately involved. This quarterback that we pick will be the face of our franchise. And so, obviously he has to be comfortable with that." So I am not really sure where Will K is getting his info from.
  11. On personnel matters I agree but I am pretty sure in an article/interview leading up to all of this fitt and/or Reich said it was going to be a mutual decision in regards to the pick. I will try and find the exact quote but given the sheer volume of articles the past month it may take me some time
  12. Well if the report is true that its Fitt and reich making the decision jointly and if Fitt loves Young and reich loves AR/Stroud what do you think happens?
  13. I seriously doubt that, owners and their wives normally dont go to pro days. Schfter reported almost a month ago the Teppers "loved" young.
  14. He in one breath said under no certain terms would tepper get involved in the decision then says yeah if its split he would be the final vote
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