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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. So this tells me you didnt forget your password and probably have been banned a dozen or so times.
  2. I guess it depends who "falls" but I really really want to get this line into the top 4/5ish in the nfl and spending premium capital is a sure fire way to do it
  3. If the pick is bryce and if a top OG prospect falls, which in previous history looks to be the trend, then you have to keep building the line.
  4. https://espnclt.com/2023/04/14/the-afternoon-rush-david-newton-size-not-a-major-concern-for-bryce-young/ David Newton getting his marching orders and shilling for the pick. He spouts some useless data about how the league is getting smaller at qb.
  5. I mean he is basically telling the mods he created an account just to troll so he is already on thin ice I suspect
  6. Yep, stick with your draft board at that point, stop being cute
  7. I can already see it next year if/when he gets hurt the debate will still be about his size and if that contributed to it.
  8. Do you think the teams dont know the score already?
  9. another post that should be pinned to the top
  10. It was incredibly short sighted on poles to want a deal before free agency started. He could have had numerous teams bidding against each other. Pretty fuging stupid to be in a rush IMO
  11. granted they got a top 10ish wr in the trade and a future first but I honestly think they could have milked the #1 pick for a ton more value. They could have made 3 trades and still been in the top 10
  12. I agree. If houston viewed young in the same category as a generational cant miss type I would have to assume they would have moved hell and earth to flip with the bears. If they wanted 1 I have to assume the bears would have taken 2 and 11 and been happy about it
  13. The only way they go future 1rst is if they value young as a superstar mahomes, trevor etc level talent. And to date as you posted above they most certainly do not. Having said that if fitt can finagle a future first and come away with stroud or AR I will never say an ill word about him. I just dont think things like that work in the nfl
  14. that dumbass never thought before he spoke the wfnz interview he did about slater was peak cringe
  15. 2 of the top 3 have weaknesses you can potentially fix with good coaching
  16. Sure I am beating this dead horse but fug rhule for not drafting him because we had dumb fug darnold
  17. If they think he is on the mahomes or luck level as some on here have suggested why in the world wouldnt they?
  18. I'm more- its great we finally have a highly drafted rookie qb to build around then a stupid ass shitty retread
  19. If height and weight are just numbers where are the other sub 6ft qbs? Why arent they being taken in the first? why is our head coach concerned about it?
  20. bryce didnt release his I thought it was leaked
  21. Russell wilson combine photo bryce young combine photo Me
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