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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Being a draw for ratings and being a team that could win the division are completely different things If you dont look at the falcons roster and see some talented pieces then I am not sure what to tell you. They have a well above average oline, a great running game and three highly drafted offensive pieces. If their defense and new additions gel they will be a problem
  2. I mean sure, but it still gets to the same point. And Vegas is more about money in the short term whereas the nfl is more about ratings short term. Money long term. But the overall point is the south is still going to suck and its pretty much anyones division. You could legit make a case for all 4 teams. NO - Carr plays with a chip on his shoulder and the pretty good NO roster doesnt show its age just yet ATL = Ridder is competent and their run game is on steroids and their defense and new signings gel. A lot like the Titan teams Smith came from CAR - Young balls out from the jump and our defense makes a leap with the new staff TB - Still a pretty good roster and maybe baker reverts back to 2019 form There is no clear head and shoulders team in the south. I see a bunch of 7,8,9 win teams all bundled up
  3. Vegas has the falcons as the better team
  4. That in no way shape or form means that ATL cannot win the division
  5. Not sure what one has to do with the other.
  6. a 4 wins season would be an absolute disaster and probably cost fitt his job
  7. Chicago wouldnt have traded out of 1 if williams was there but its a moot point
  8. We play baker 2x and we play 2 rookies whose teams had horrendous years last season with a ton of holes on their roster who are clearly rebuilding with first time coaches. To me thats 4 wins. I get its the nfl but to me finding another 4 should be pretty easy. That gets us to 8, probably not good enough for the division but breaks the 7.5 over.
  9. I’m saying even dalton could win 7 games with this schedule. Young way more
  10. Ditto on atl. I think their offense is going to be an issue. I think however we can win seven with dalton.
  11. He suckered punched 2 teammates. I personally watched him lose his mind on a ref in a flag football game in charlotte years back. Hopefully he has mellowed and it appears he has but I will always say Smith is a great great football player but a horrible horrible person
  12. Trying to make Nashville work but the thanksgiving weekend complicates things.
  13. If I recall from the behind the scenes videos it was tepper telling them to trade up for him
  14. It is what it is at this point. Just have to pull for him. IMO I think we find out if this works rather quickly.
  15. I was saying draft both. He dropped into our laps in the 4rth and instead we picked a project linebacker
  16. I mean we are where we are at this point but damn he was sitting right there for us. Still not sure of the logic of not snagging him .
  17. Trust me I know from experience that age mellows you out. Getting married and having kids zapped the hot head out of me.
  18. thats cool but just know you are in the extreme minority of folks who think they had a bad draft
  19. Bears crushed the draft, especially when you add in moore https://www.chicagobears.com/news/bears-draft-grades-2023-darnell-wright-defensive-line-wide-receivers
  20. Chinn on Pitts? Not sure who gets assigned to him.
  21. you started a thread..............for this?
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