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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I still think the Falcons walk away with this division. If our d cannot stop the run then damn
  2. Like to see Bryce for a few series the Corral the rest of the way until scrub time in 4rth
  3. Same here. But my concern for young is still valid
  4. Why would he play even if he was healthy. No point
  5. It's either going to work or if it is not. The good thing is we will know in short order.
  6. But he may just not be any good at all. I guess we will see shortly. Game less than a week. If he doesn’t play at least a full quarter or so then we may have our answer.
  7. I would have thought the team would be trying to drop info about how good he is doing etc etc etc in an attempt to trade him for anything. Maybe the preseason games will tell us something
  8. the lack of corral intel is kindof surprising
  9. I've met him plenty in the late 90's early 2000'at various functions and he was always a condescending douche and his shitty reporting and articles throughout his career is just the cherry on top on why I cannot stand this fug head. Case in point is the article posted on here.
  10. Hes a worthless cuck and I have 20+ years of articles as proof
  11. From what I saw from Dalton last season he was pretty bad.
  12. If they can get the falcons defense to just be average they are going to be a tough team to play because of their offense.
  13. He has been a cuck loser for 30 years. Even the fuging the poo head tom sorenson was a better writer
  14. And to refresh you guys memory fowler wrote the article stating it should be wilks full stop as our next coach and he is also the dumb fug that asked Reich at his presser what he thought of the qbs on the roster when it was just only an injured matt corral that was under contract. he is a dumb mother fuger that somehow has kept his job for 3 decades. His dad was even worse.
  15. Thats not looking at the bigger picture. We know what dalton is. Him playing 2 games with or without reps isnt moving the needle. Why not do as much as you can to get MC up to speed and make him look the absolute best he can in the event you can move him if need be. Andy dalton is nothing more then a low low ceiling back up. He looked like ass all last year as a starter getting the reps. But again its just telling to me what the staff thinks of Corral. Not a good look
  16. He has an insanely low ceiling and we know what he is. We arent winning with him. Why not try and develop a qb we spent draft capital on that might be able to trade down the road?
  17. we know what dalton is. If for some reason BY goes down we aint winning poo with dalton so why not try and develop mc as well. Just feels off and a bit like last year. But this staff seemingly knows what they are doing which leads me to the conclusion maybe Corral just isnt any good.
  18. To me its nuts that Dalton is getting reps over MC.
  19. Is there any intel, any comment or anything at all about Matt Corral and how he is looking, reps etc?
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