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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. I think reality is starting to set in now for some folks after seeing this team on paper
  2. he was and he blew it He is not head coach material in 2023 version of the nfl. Early 90's sure he may do fine but we already hired a guy with wilks skillset and his name was Ron. it doesnt work, if it did teams would be lined up to at least interview him, spoiler alert.........they didnt
  3. well then teams should be lined up to interview him then right?
  4. Then Bengals as well and the Saints game which they totally threw for us
  5. I like it because its just seems like regular dudes that love the panther talking about the team. Cody does try and take a professional scout take way too much. Screaming about Corral being an all world prospect and saying brady christenson is a better LT then icky are just 2 of his wild ass takes. He needs to leave the scouting reviews at the door and just talk panthers
  6. The “leader of men” style coaching is out dated and doesn’t work in 2023.
  7. steve wills was my 10th grade weight lifting coach brings back memories
  8. There should be no fuging discussion on draft day. You have a draft board and you have to live by it. I mean its only takes years and years of research to put it together
  9. Why the fug are they talking about him then, why the fug didnt they have a draft board and simply stick by it? And why the fug are first year OC giving this type of input during the motherfuging draft? Goddamn what a clown show. This feels like a drunken conversation my fantasy partner and I had this past Sat night.
  10. was this during the actual draft? Please tell me it wasnt
  11. I get your premise but if you take all of the cut qbs that head to the PS and then put them against guys like you listed I gotta think its less then 1% that it works out. But I am pulling for the kid
  12. I think he said his kid died and then he way overboard
  13. He is going to the PS no matter where he goes. His career is done. He can tool around and maybe hit as a back up but the odds are long he will ever start a game
  14. maybe but most coaches if not all know that if you are down to qb3 your season is pretty much over
  15. same here, and the guy we drafted instead of howell just got cut yesterday I wouldnt have spent our first on Howell, but in the 4rth he would have been a damn steal
  16. His career is pretty much over effective immediately
  17. fug you matt rhule. fuging criminal what you did.
  18. Frank is old school. He isn’t carrying 3qbs. Man I hate that for corral. fug you rhule
  19. Thats quite the jump without really adding anyone on defense except DC.
  20. scout team and #3 are completely different I prefer him to go to the PS but I guess we will see how it shakes out
  21. sure, that agent speak for stfu and go out there and say the right things
  22. If MC stays on as the #3 he aint getting reps in practice, thats just not happening
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