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  1. who the hell knows what the current narrative is around bryce now, my head is still spinning from the last 2 years trying to keep up. All i do know is they better trot his little ass out there in preseason. Lets not make the same mistake 2x now.
  2. I dont see many trades this draft and I certainly dont see any rational scenario that someone wants to move up to 8. I mean for who? Maybe a qb drops but if that was the case someone would move ahead of us once ward or sanders fell from top 3. I just dont see it. Maybe someone falls in love with Tet but again why would they move to 8 and how far back are you willing to fall. And I dont think teams are looking at tet like some julio jones clone.
  3. People that are mad are either stupid or trolling. He is not the same player and his contract just wasnt going to work here for the next 2 years. I know its been talked about ad nauseam on here but we are super tight against the cap and we need a ton of cheap defensive players so it literally makes no sense to bring deebo in. I think, assuming bryce progresses, that next offseason is when you can take a bigger chance like that and try to make a move
  4. thats bonkers because he plays like he is in some sort of video game cheat code
  5. everyone keeps saying trade back but it takes two to tango and from what I gather the only guy that would warrant someone potentially to move up would be tet. So we are a bit limited there
  6. Why didn't you ask about the foot surgery?
  7. come for the high level game play, stay for the off the charts leadership ability. Im down
  8. How in the holy hell does he think this would be a smart idea?
  9. You have walker giving incredible pre game speeches and then destroying one of the best tackles in college. Then you have this. I know who I want in my locker room
  10. Right or wrong Morgan should take Carter off his draft board all things considered
  11. probably but having a screw put in your foot is a pretty big deal, especially if teams are considering you in the top 5
  12. I hope he gets better as well but the stupid weekly meetings and the draft input doesnt seem to imply he is more hands off
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