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  1. I dont know - but that one yesterday that hit him right in the bread basket should count twice…
  2. the draft capital is whats expensive
  3. shoooot…doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy, but i do think hes jumped mingo on the depth chart
  4. panthers polos - a black and a white one..in rotation..to the office nearly every friday year round where my team consists of a saints, (2) cowboys, a ravens, a bengals, & a steelers fan.. witness my fandom
  5. lol came here to say same thing lol what a jackassssss
  6. so we loose, so we can win? just trying to make sure I'm understanding your proposal..
  7. I get the joke - I mean thats a cute thing to say but, the reality is there will indeed be fans in the stands and I think they might quickly turn into an absolute frothing mob. tbh i just thought this would be more like a week 6-8 situation. But if the boos come down from the home crowd, thats is a WRAP
  8. This escalated quickly…But if the home crowd rains boos on Bryce this week, that is the end. Huddle sentiment is one thing but a week 2 home crowd booing is another animal.
  9. this is. but will also say he is not retiring today. a “legacy making” season may be right around the corner. If hes at the helm when we make a miracle run this year I think his legacy is different than if he retired yesterday.
  10. Looks like you've been appropriately super-poo’d but…. shhheeeeeeet maan Can we get through the preseason before we start this?
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