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Posts posted by CmC2k

  1. I just want to see Bryce stack some positive games together. Just something to keep his confidence up and have something to build on. He's in an impossible situation right now with the bad Oline, play calling and WR's not named Adam Thelien that he's not afford the luxury to make the typical rookie growing pains and still have the chance to win a game. This team knows it doesn't have the offense to win games so instead of going out and trying to play to win they are just going out and just trying not to lose and hope that the defense can keep it close enough to where it'll only take 1 drive in the 4th to win. We just simply don't have the horses to be able to win right now. So just forget the stats and just start looking at things that will translate like for example Bryce's leadership, toughness, and he's made some pretty good clutch 4th down throws and some throws with elite anticipation his year. 

  2. NFL teams mostly only relocate due to money issues. Tepper isn't going to sell and he's still making a ton of money here albeit most of it is from opposing fans. We're stuck with Tepper as an owner so all we can do is hope that he learns from his mistakes and improves because the guy genuinely wants to win here and has shown that he'll spend the money to try and bring us a winner and that's something we all can appreciate. He just needs to understand that the NFL is a unique business, and he needs to have experience people run it. Tepper is a guy who wants to be liked but he's trying to go about it the wrong way in that he's trying to have people like him because he makes the big hire or the big decision that leads to winning.

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