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Posts posted by CmC2k

  1. I still believe that Bryce can be our guy, but I'd really consider taking a late round flyer on Joe Milton. The guy just has so much physical talent that if it ever all clicks for him he's gonna be elite. 

  2. If our incompetent front office thought, he wasn't worth elite pass rusher money then what makes you think any other NFL team will think he's worth it? I say you slap the Non-exclusive franchise tag on him and say if you think you're worth it then go get a deal. Either A he accepts the offer we have on the table once he sees that no other team will pony up the money he's looking for or B a team pays him elite money and we get 2 1st round picks and wipe our hands clean of this whole mess. 

  3. Regardless of who the new GM will be it needs to be someone who will tell Tepper to stop with all the home run swings at trying to fix the team in one offseason. We spent so much of our resources on Teddy, Sam, and Baker that when we finally made our move to get Bryce cupboard is now stripped bare with no easy way to support him. You have to hope that the new HC can work magic with Bryce with the pieces we do have because most of the cap we have now will be used to retain Luvu, Brown and Burns or you have to fug up the future cap down the road by restructuring guys and backloading contracts in order to get Bryce some help now. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, csx said:

    Many believe that Youngs poor dropbacks cause issues. Which makes a lot of sense. Improper depth and pace will do that. It would make sense as to why a veteran lineman was frustrated.

    That's true Bryce's footwork is awful and definitely needs work, but the Oline hasn't done him any favors to at least try and establish good footwork by allowing just so many sacks and pressures this year. 

    • Pie 1
  5. Just now, 4Corners said:

    He also seems to be very immature and juvenile. Dude could wipe his ass with $1000 bills and you gonna let some Florida redneck who probably lives in an apartment hook you like that? Come on now. 

    I understand now why Tepper has interns who monitor the panthers online fanbase. If Tepper can be baited by a Florida redneck, then I can only imagine what even the lowest IQ Huddler would be able to do. 

    • Flames 1
  6. 1 minute ago, 4Corners said:

    Here’s the thing - do we know he was hooked? It’s really gonna make this worse if he just threw it out of anger and didn’t get baited 

    I'm sure it was just some drunk Jags fan who was probably embolden by the fact they were beating the worst team in football and decided to heckle the billionaire owner of the opposing team. Tepper is not a bad person he's just massively incompetent and foolish. 

    • Pie 1
  7. The NFL Referees Association gained so much leverage in 2012 with how bad the replacement referees preformed. In a perfect world referees would be able to be held accountable for poor performances such as being forced to not officiate for a certain number of weeks and or being fined for multiple obvious missed or bad calls in a game. It's awful how the NFL will suspend and fine players for some of the most minimal actions that have no effect on the outcome of a game but will allow referees to blatantly miss and or make wrong and bad calls that change the outcomes of games and have no accountability system in place. Players and coaches can't even question the decision of a referee in the media without being fined or suspended. I fully expect Adam Thielen to be fined for his comments after game, but we will see no punishment for the blatant Packer biased referees. NFL referees operate with complete and udder impunity and if I was the president of the NFLPA I would push for a referee accountability system in the next CBA. 

  8. I have no doubt that Tepper is going to have the top offer out for Ben Johnson. The most money per year, probably will allow him to have a big say in the GM hire if Ben Johnson would prefer someone else and not Scott Fitterer and pitch him on a Miami style of approach where you have an offensive HC focus solely on the offense and play calling and have a top DC completely manage the defense. 

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