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Everything posted by CmC2k

  1. Give us Cam the rest of the way. He needs in the game reps.
  2. I'm cool with him still making decisions on everyone except the QB spot. Today shows just how bad Darnold was he sucked the entire life out of the whole franchise.
  3. I think we see a revamped and motivated team tomorrow. The offense the past 3 weeks has just looked dead with no emotion. I think the presence of Cam on the sideline weather he's active or inactive will rub off on the team and we'll play inspired football. Our Defense will keep it close like they have done all year they just need some help from the offense so they don't get gassed out in the middle of the 3rd quarter. All Pj has to do is just protect the football and I'm sure Cam acting like big brother on the sideline will help him a lot.
  4. There's no QB in the draft this year that's worth a top 10 pick at the moment and it's clear that we need some help on the online but at least our defense is set. The fact that we wanted to sign Cam for 2 years shows that Tepper is done with Darnold. Play Cam the rest of the year and see if we can sneak into the playoffs and who knows maybe we win a game. Resign some of our key defensive free agents and see if you can snag a Olineman or two. Trade back in the first to recoup some picks from the Darnold trade and let's get some talented linemen here. Then in 2023 you can bring in a new young guy who hopefully will have a top defense and a good Oline and weapons.
  5. Draw up 10-20 plays you think can beat AZ and have him practice them in the hotel lobby.
  6. Cam will always be Carolina Panther weather he succeeds or fail it should be here.
  7. Please let Cam make a YouTube video of what exactly is being said in this meeting
  8. This board will implode if he starts Sunday and we win
  9. All the QB's in the draft this year are mid or late round talents anyway
  10. Tepper is done allowing Rhule and brady to pick QB's. They've done a good job at drafting and signing other players but it's clear they can't evaluate QB's.
  11. We are just stuck at the moment. The only option is to bench or maybe even cut Darnold and just play Pj the rest of the season.
  12. What we should do is just bite the bullet and draft a QB. I think it should be Howell but everyone has a different guy they like especially this year where's there's no clear cut number 1 or 2 guy everyone just seems to be on a similar level. What I fear will do is either sign another bum veteran in FA or give the 49ers something for Jimmy G just to see him get hurt after week 4 and have to waste another season.
  13. You know more about Howell than any of us I've only started to watch his 2021 film after the poo show yesterday. But why does he clap his hands before every snap? Seems like that would cause trouble for him in the pros.
  14. Sam Howell has that backyard QB style and looks like Baker 2.0. Which in this class and our recent attempts to find a QB a Baker Mayfield would be a god send. He needs to learn to slide the running over Db's and LB's that he does right now is gonna get him killed in the pro's especially with our Oline.
  15. Rhule is gonna lose the team if he doesn't pull darnold for the rest of the season
  16. 2015 was an outlier year the rest where awful. Bryon bell, Nate Chandler and amini silatolu say hi
  17. Maybe Rhule and brady had the right idea by trying to run 40 times a game. Still doesn't excuse them for not having a viable backup plan.
  18. I'm not a Cam homer by any means but at least games where fun to watch with him here. This is just depressing.
  19. Our line was worse when cam was here and it was never has bad as this. It's all Qb play and scheming
  20. Everyone who didn't want Watson is at fault here
  21. As a smaller market team we should only be going after low to mid tier players that can fill a role on our roster and set us up to go BPA in the draft. Big name players either want a ton of money or a place where they think they have chance to make a deep playoff run. Which is something we can't offer at the moment.
  22. No more "stop gap" QB's we either need to see Darnold improve and become a franchise QB which doesn't look to promising at the moment or we need to draft someone.
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