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Everything posted by CmC2k

  1. Tepper does seem to want to please the fan base and Igo did confirm that he reads this forum, so he's probably seen the 20 fire Rhule threads the last two weeks.
  2. I'd love for Ken Dorsey to come back here and be the OC. He already has a good relationship with Cam being his QB coach when he was here. He'd be the one to best be able to utilize Cam strengths as a passer and a runner. Especially with just how really hit or miss this QB class in the draft looks it's probably our best option to keep our current QB room and invest everything into the Oline and see if a new play caller can change things.
  3. Tepper showed that he was willing to admit that getting rid of Cam was the wrong move now will he admit that Rhule was the wrong hire?
  4. I mean with the bye week coming up it would be the perfect time to fire a coach and have someone else take over.
  5. Rhule's biggest red flag was him wanting to bring his entire coaching staff with him here. There's no one here with quality NFL experience and it shows in every facet of the game. We have lots of young talent here that is being wasted because they have coaches that can't develop them and can't put them in places to succeed.
  6. Last week the entire team was riding the high of Cam's return. Hopefully the smack to the face that Washington gave us has woken us up and we dominate the dolphins like we did Arizona.
  7. With how much better the offense looked I'd say we have a good shot if our defense can recover from what ever the poo on Sunday was. Also for a side note we need to throw out the all black jersey combo. They look awesome but they are bad luck. Every time we wear them things go wrong.
  8. and yet there's some people here who are gonna say it's cause Cam's arm is shot and not because our oline can't block long enough or Brady's passive play calling.
  9. Ron has always been a good coach with his initial game plan his weakness was when he had to change it and make adjustments mid game. We couldn't stop what they planned to do thus we got bullied.
  10. Going for it was the right call but the play call and wasting the timeout where inexcusable.
  11. As Cam get's more time to adjust with the receivers and learn the playbook he will only continue to look better. Hopefully this was just a one off game for the defense and we can get things fixed but the biggest issue we had is fix in that we hopefully have our QB back.
  12. I don't think we should fire Rhule just yet but if tepper choses to go that route I'd love to see Eric Behimy here. I know he doesn't call the plays in KC but he does all the installs in practice and he's learned a lot form Andy Reid. Someone with actual NFL experience
  13. Rhule's seat probably a little toasty right now. The guy that you came in and cut turns out to still be pretty good and your replacements for him where train wrecks.
  14. We had DJ and Robbie run fake reverses all game and didn't bother to try and hand it to them at least once. It was taking an extra blocker away from the play every time and Washington never even bothered to cover it.
  15. please show one play where Cam's arm strength was an issue
  16. We have been robbed of a year and a half of our the best player in our franchise history. Cam showed today that with just 10 days to learn just part of the scheme that he's still a good QB. This fact alone should result in Rhule being fired. It's not even the fact that he cut him it's the fact that his two handpicked choices to replace Cam where disasters.
  17. I feel bad for Cam. He came in and studied his ass off to learn the playbook and score 3 TD just to watch his defense get beat up by taylor henicke.
  18. With Cam being back there defenses can no longer just all out rush at the QB. They got to have a spy for the QB and the dlinemen have got to stay in there rush lanes. If Cam sees an open lane he'll take it instead of just panic like Sam was doing and get an intentional grounding call. This will also create better coverages for our receivers and CMC to take advantage of.
  19. If we could somehow find a way to win division over Tampa a home playoff game would be so sweet. With this defense shutting down offenses and Cam doing what would be hopefully playoff Cam things this stadium would be absolutely rocking.
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