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Everything posted by CmC2k

  1. On both plays Sam had to run for his life and looks terrified
  2. Big no on Jimmy G but Love you could talk me into. But ultimately, we just don't have the draft capital to spare with all the holes on the Oline and us fans are done with "stop gap" QB's. Just roll with Cam and Darnold and build the Oline then target QB in 2023 when a lot of better options are available, and Sam's contract is off our books.
  3. Get us some competent Olinemen and NFL level coaching and we are actually a really solid team. Cam still has a little bit of superman in him and with how poorly coached we look maybe we can still get something out of Darnold. Our defense is solid we need two safeties once a better staff moves Chin back to LB. On offense we need to throw every available resource we have at the offensive line. Then in 2023 or 2024 look for a QB so he can step into a good spot with a top 10 defense and a solid Oline.
  4. The fact that he called out the most popular player in our franchise's history should be enough to fire him.
  5. I know we need to lose so we can get in a spot to get a LT but I want us to dominate today just to rub it in Jonathan villa's smug ass face on live TV. His clear smug ass attitude and hatred for us makes already unwatchable games even more unwatchable.
  6. I hope we are smart enough to extend Gilmore over Jackson. Gilmore is the perfect mentor for Jaycee and CJ plus he's actually good all the time whereas Jackson is so inconsistent and always seems to get burned at the worst times in a game. I don't want that to rub off on our young Coners plus Jackson is going to ask for top 10 Cornerback money and we all know he isn't worth that.
  7. Rhule's trying to scapegoat Cam to hide the fact that this collage staff is trash. I mean if a couple players regress in a year that's expected but our ENTIRE TEAM looks like they've gotten worse and that's all on coaching.
  8. Let's not forget that even if brady was good and got a HC job somewhere Rhule would've just promoted Nixon.
  9. If letting Jackson go means more better Olinemen then yes. Heck I'm pretty sure the huddle will help with his plane ticket
  10. Rhule is a builder. He built our defense that was at the bottom of the league for the last 2 years and has made them into a top 5 unit. I think he gets a year to try and fix the offense. Just make sure he fires brady and doesn't make the choice for QB because it's clear we have no idea what we are doing there.
  11. Someway somehow, we got to find a LT. The 10-year-old meme here of "can he play LT" needs to end.
  12. Tepper does seem to want to please the fan base and Igo did confirm that he reads this forum, so he's probably seen the 20 fire Rhule threads the last two weeks.
  13. I'd love for Ken Dorsey to come back here and be the OC. He already has a good relationship with Cam being his QB coach when he was here. He'd be the one to best be able to utilize Cam strengths as a passer and a runner. Especially with just how really hit or miss this QB class in the draft looks it's probably our best option to keep our current QB room and invest everything into the Oline and see if a new play caller can change things.
  14. Tepper showed that he was willing to admit that getting rid of Cam was the wrong move now will he admit that Rhule was the wrong hire?
  15. I mean with the bye week coming up it would be the perfect time to fire a coach and have someone else take over.
  16. Rhule's biggest red flag was him wanting to bring his entire coaching staff with him here. There's no one here with quality NFL experience and it shows in every facet of the game. We have lots of young talent here that is being wasted because they have coaches that can't develop them and can't put them in places to succeed.
  17. Last week the entire team was riding the high of Cam's return. Hopefully the smack to the face that Washington gave us has woken us up and we dominate the dolphins like we did Arizona.
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