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Everything posted by CmC2k

  1. Our 2nd stringers and guys who will actually make the team and play done well tonight. There's no reason to panic about our 3rd and 4th stringers looking like camp fodder when they won't be here in 2 weeks. It's safe to say that PJ is gone and maybe Corral is gonna need more time to develop than we thought which is ok as long as Baker can hold down the fort and play well.
  2. Imagine this board if we traded all that for Watson and he played like that here.
  3. The browns look exactly how they did before Baker got there.
  4. Just look back at 2017 and that's how CMC should be used. The constant moving him around in different formations all over the offense but still taking some carries as a lone back. Getting 12-15 carries up the middle should've never been part of his game.
  5. Looking forward for more Mayfield and Hollywood Higgins
  6. I just woke up and Corral is already here with some Bojangles biscuits.
  7. Despite how we all feel about Darnold's play he's actually handled all of this well. This is just the org doing right by Darnold by telling the media that the job is still up in the air.
  8. It's gonna be a blood bath for the LG spot. Having 4 known starters at their respected spots going into camp is gonna do wonders for our overall line play by allowing the starters to build chemistry with each other instead of how it's been the last 2-3 years in just having everyone constantly moving around to different spots just to be able to find a playable combination. Now instead of trying to find something that works we can instead focus on getting better and gelling as a unit.
  9. YGM really came on at the end of last year and now that he should be a starter, he's going to take a big leap this year. We all seem to know that Horn is going to be great so him doing so wouldn't really be a big surprise. I like TMJ but until we know who the QB is and what kind of QB play we get the entire offense side of the ball is a ? expect for the 5-7 games of CMC we'll get.
  10. Trading for a one-year flyer does nothing to help the organization in the long run except help Rhule try to win this year and keep his job. Which with how often Tepper keeps saying how he believes in Rhule's "process" and "brand" he might have a longer leash than any of us realize and winning or losing this year might not even matter. I like baker as a QB and there's no question that he's defiantly better than Darnold and corral at the moment. But we drafted Corral with high hopes that he can be our long-term starter and we need to find out if he can be the answer sooner rather than later and trading for baker or jimmy just delays that even further. If we lose this year but Corral looks good, then we can trade our high pick to a QB needy team and continue to build this team around Corral and if he looks bad, we just take a QB in the draft and we move on.
  11. Mj been taking a lot of vacations recently, so I bet all of the 2nds we just got are all going to be given away for "cash considerations".
  12. Weather we do something dumb or smart I fully expect the NBA to cut too commercial during both of our picks.
  13. I fully believe that either Baker or Jimmy G will be our starter on opening day. Rhlue knows that he's on the hot seat and starting Darnold will almost certainly get him fired. All this faking pumping up of Darnold's confidence is just in case we might actually have to start him this season. While I love corral's talent, he's going to need time to learn how to run an NFL offense before he's game ready. I'd prefer us take a chance on baker because he would come cheaper and maybe the big dose of humble pie he got from the NFL will change him and allow him to hit his full potential. Jimmy G is just a more attractive Teddy Bridgewater with a bum shoulder.
  14. Horn was in the slot a good bit in his 2 1/2 games last year so having CJ and Keith Taylor to rotate on the outside when horn moves into the slot is gonna make us very good in the secondary along with Chin and woods.
  15. Baker is better than Darnold, so I do think that the interest is legit, but we aren't gonna pay anything of value to get him knowing that Baker is never gonna play for the browns again and they'll end up having release him. We've probably given the browns an offer of two rusty nickels Fitter found in the parking lot and we'll pick up 4-5m of his salary and told the browns to take it or leave it. The only leverage that the browns have is that they know we want baker, and we don't want to have to start Darnold this year, so they are gonna hold on to him to the very last second to give Baker no time to learn the playbook here and hope that we will come up on our offer to get baker in here sooner. The talks have most likely stopped, and each side is just waiting for the other to cave in.
  16. Yes, we should bring him back on a cheap contract and take the gamble that he can stay healthy. With darnold probably being the QB we need all the playmakers we can get around him to take the pressure off of him. And plus, him and Dj's friendship is just wholesome
  17. You had me until that I think Rhule can be a solid coach at the NFL level but it's hard to give a true evaluation with the garbage we've had under center the past 2 years. Just think how the whole perception of the franchise would be if the chargers didn't take Hebert ahead of us in the 2020 draft. But I guess there's always that slight glimmer of hope that maybe Macdoo can unlock this hidden potential that NFL evaluators think that Darnold has.
  18. Just resign Cam and have a three-way QB battle in camp and let the best player play.
  19. CMC is at his best when he is 1 on 1 with a defender and in the open field. If we can stop running him up the middle 20 times a game like he's Jonathan Stewart, then I think he has a good shot to stay healthy. I'd be ok if he dropped back down to his rookie year weight and played the same role he did as sort of an offensive weapon lining up all over the field instead of just at RB and force the defense into some tough match ups.
  20. Sam hasn't earned the right to be declared the day 1 starter. It should be an open competition from the start and the best QB should play. This will be the first time darnold has faced any real competition from a backup and it'll be interesting how he responds. Because you can bet that Corral is gonna come in and compete.
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