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Everything posted by Wes21

  1. How sick do you think Novak is going to get?
  2. Actually, this is exactly what's happened in some areas. They've admitted it.
  3. It was the masks. I'm fine now with a different mask. You feel better now? Not sure what your issue is today. Some masks suck for some people. Don't get angry about it.
  4. I can now that I have a different mask. I might already have "this stuff," but I'm young and athletic so there's that.
  5. COVID is where the money is, so any grey area will always go to COVID.
  6. If you aren't used to wearing masks, or if you have the wrong mask, it really sucks. I had that issue when this thing first started. Not only was I not used to wearing masks, but the first 4-5 styles I tried were all horrible for me. Once someone handed me a basic surgical mask it was a game changer for me. It still sucks to have to do long meetings with a mask on, but at least I can get thru it. With the other masks I legit couldn't do it. I couldn't breath and I kept getting hot and sweaty, my glasses kept fogging up, and the straps hurt my ears and/or head. It might go down. If someone has the virus and you kill them, they can't spread it anymore. What's interesting is while I'm joking about that, on the news this morning they had a doctor who said something similar. He said with several different strains out there, you've got some that are more deadly than others. What we are seeing is an increase in the less deadly strains and decrease in the more deadly strains. The strains that spread but don't kill can obviously spread alot more, while the strains that kill the host are shorter lived because...well...dead people don't tend to spread viruses.
  7. What are you going to do? Have the defunded police come in and start doing choke holds on people not wearing masks?
  8. People are wearing masks just about everywhere here in Virginia Beach, including the car dealers I checked out last week. I haven't been in a ton of places since they opened back up, but so far the only place where the employees weren't wearing masks was at a car audio place I went to on Friday. But all of their customers were wearing masks, including myself.
  10. People need to mind their business
  11. There are a bunch of people making personal decisions to wear one or not, and then others who are making political statements by wearing one or not. But I'd say alot of people fall into a category of just going with the environment they are in. If they live in an area where everybody is wearing masks, then they put one on. If the don't - they don't. Where I live most places have a very high compliance rate (probably 70-80% or better) so unless you are personally or politically opposed to wearing a mask you feel kind of awkward being the only one without one on. Put some of those same people who are wearing masks into a non-mask wearing area and I bet they wouldn't wear one. Its kind of like PPE on a construction site, people tend to adapt to the environment they are in.
  12. Whatever the math works out to...yes
  13. According to this site right now they have 549 total confirmed cases and 8 deaths https://news.google.com/covid19/map?hl=en-US&mid=/m/0n491&gl=US&ceid=US:en
  14. They are an island. There's not much value in trying to compare to them.
  15. Do you think we shouldn't start opening back up until we do 20M tests per day?
  16. I was watching "the media" this morning and they are trying to double down on the notion that we can't start opening back up until we are doing 20M tests per day. The idea didn't stick when they threw it out there a month ago, so they are throwing it back out there and see if the sheeple will run with it this time. As things keep progressing I expect to see that talking point to start popping up in conversations with people.
  17. They screwed up but they also have a unique situation that make it its own special little hell hole. What's frustrating is that they are a media mecca so whatever is happening in NYC tends to be portrayed to the masses as if its happening all over the country instead of in one small super densely populated pocket.
  18. I definitely appreciate that idea as well. Half of my Facebook timeline will change its tune if there is a D in office. But I was moreso talking about the people who are so personally vested in this. They really don't care who's in office as much. Its like they need this thing for their soul or something, its weird.
  19. Some people are going to be genuinely upset when we get back to normal life. Like, really pissed off.
  20. Mask usage is still fairly common here in VA Beach.
  21. The temp checks are definitely not accurate. We have been doing them at my job as well. To me the value in the temp scans is to see if a particular person is trending up. I'm coming in pretty consistently around 97.3 exactly, but I had 2 readings at 96.8. Those were the 2 days I rode to work with the windows down and sunroof open, so I feel like it dropped my skin temperature? But in the end I think its just a good CYA for companies to feel like they are at least trying, to help with any lawsuits that might come up.
  22. Do you have any links? I haven't seen any stories about construction sites being traced back as a hot spot.
  23. Why construction sites?
  24. This was expected by many of us. Many companies were only going to hold on to employees long enough to get the gubmint money, then start mass layoffs the minute they are eligible to.
  25. "I can't get a test." "I got tested 3 times." I'm out.
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