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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Masks are WAYYYYY more needed than money.
  2. Yeah, "no" to all of it. Both times. China will not get any retaliation just because coronavirus originated in their country. And as I said in another post, social interaction is a big part of school. There, I discussed it.
  3. All kids need social interaction. Homeschooled kids are oddballs. There are far more positives in sending them to school.
  4. Hope they pass them out because there sure aren't any to be found around here, lol.
  5. It's just like the flu shot ... it doesn't make you immune. Having a virus doesn't make you some super soldier who can't get it again.
  6. Stirs DOES know this isn't just an old person disease right? Surely he does.
  7. Over 2000 dead now. Approaching 9/11 numbers.
  8. Jesus christ, dude. That's obviously not his hair naturally grows. You have a goofy haircut, you get made fun of. Are you sure you're not from South Carolina?
  9. Bruh, just wear copper clothing.
  10. So you blame Big Pharma for not just handing out garlic cloves to hospitals during flu season. Cool.
  11. The Dems could've helped said citizens votes ago. But nah, bruh, politics!
  12. Wat? The point is that this is not just an "old person" virus. Anyone can get it, most get over it, and anyone can die from it. Stay out of groups, wash your hands, be smart and we'll get through it eventually. Put kids in school ... hide the old folk, lol.
  13. Kids ARE getting sick. Not a lot, thankfully. Some are in ICU, one is an infant.
  14. Almost 1000 cases in the state here, almost 500 in the city. 9 deaths. Numbers will only increase before they stabilize. I just wish the stock market wouldn't crash because of this. Everyone is going to hurt because of that.
  15. San Francisco mayor just issued shelter in place, lol. Don't leave your home unless for essential purpose. Errthang shut down. Crazy times, folks.
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