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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Those Muricans just want to buy cheap crap sea food, buy cheap crap souvenirs, and spend time on a public beach with thousands of others! Let em live, man!
  2. Up to 100 cases in NY state now of this mysterious inflammatory childrens disease (is it Kawasaki? Is it not?) now. Most cases show they either have Covid or have antibodies.
  3. Don't know how many of you are paying attention to the mystery (yes, mystery) illness hitting children in NY, LA, MI, IL, and Louisiana, but if it is connected to corona than it opens up a whole new situation. It resembles Kawasaki disease, but isn't. And it's hitting corona hotspots. Pretty scary.
  4. - Dr. Peter Piot, virologist https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/finally-virus-got-me-scientist-who-fought-ebola-and-hiv-reflects-facing-death-covid-19#
  5. Seoul shutting down all bars and nightclubs after spike in cases due to reopening.
  6. It shocks me not at all that there are some anti-vax people on this board.
  7. Leader of North Carolina Protests Against Stay-at-Home Has Coronavirus https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/leader-of-north-carolina-protests-against-stay-at-home-has-coronavirus/ar-BB13hSx3?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=hplocalnews
  8. All you have to do is look at nursing homes. How did all these homes get infected? Staff and visitors with no symptoms.
  9. I'm not sure what's worse, armchair QBs or armchair MDs.
  10. Mass transit isn't closed here. Just reduced. And you are cautious with restaurants because you are opening your mouth.
  11. Sweden seems to have done GREAT with handling this. That would be weird if we did social distancing 24/7/365. What would normal flu numbers look like?
  12. If I was Brooklyn Decker I wouldn't be able to type because my hands would be on my boobs. That said, I did say more than you. Seriously, you'll like the TB. It's all debate all the time.
  13. I'm calling you out for your inability to take all the political talk to the Tinderbox. Are you that dense? You want to talk sports? Cool. The latest reports on numbers? Cool. How it's effecting you locally? That's what this thread is for. You DO know what/where the TB is, yes?
  14. Dearest Mod, Please send philit and the rest to the nearest exit ramp to the Tinder Box Corona thread. kthnx! In other news ... Interesting.
  15. And shockingly it's not all just whites being racist this go around.
  16. NYC starting hydroxychloroquine trials.
  17. The FDA is just too stubborn.
  18. They put busses and the subway on reduced run. This, of course, meant more packed cars during rush hour though. But for the most part people have been staying at home and not using mass transit. With only essential places open, there's not much to go out and do really. Parks, bars, theaters, stores have been closed, etc. Everyone in my neighborhood wears a mask. Yes, we're dense, but we're doing what we have to do. Even with 8.5 million, we still have a high percentage per capita though. The worst infected areas (according to a released map) are mostly in Orthodox Jewish (same communities that spread the massive measles outbreak last year) and poorer areas of the Bronx, Queens, and here in Brooklyn. No idea why that is, but it is. Other than the Orthodox Jews who have their own agenda, everyone gets the same news and knows what's up. Just stay home! The governor made it law that no one can get evicted for 90 days.
  19. Talk all you want about the virus. Leave the page after page of president/administration bickering in the TB. There is a virus thread for you there.
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