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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Because, according to this place, checkdown/rpo/screen, etc. QBs are straight trash. You're only elite if you throw bombs all day.
  2. So the guy with the MOST rpo/screen stuff from that list is considered the next coming of Jesus? Yeah, point not really made there.
  3. Watson just watched too much porn in high school and tried to make it a reality when he became a star.
  4. Maybe he can open a used car lot with JaMarcus Russell.
  5. Had Cam led us to a SB win, notched a second MVP, was still here, and helped us have back to back winning seasons ... you can argue his number is off limits. But none of that happened.
  6. Yeah, having someone come forward NOT on the "shady lying lawyer's" list is not good for Watson.
  7. Maybe the reason they aren't taking it to a criminal court is because he didn't break any major laws and isn't meant for jail. They take it to civil court because he messed up, needs to learn, pay damages, and be the face of what not to do in this world of ours.
  8. Like the addition of Battlestar, like the new Cap's arrogance, love Bucky, still meh on Falcon, like the plot ... but a big ol BAH to the Flag Smashers. It's too corny. And ok, they're superhuman, but come on ... a litte ginger British girl (cue TB goons)? Really? That's the leader? I will be intrigued to see who sent her that text. Hopefully the real leader? And eye roll on the addition of racism (cue TB goons again) for the second straight episode.
  9. Also depends on if we get out-dealt. We aren't the only team out there who can move up. It's all going to be about who gives up the most.
  10. I like it. It's classy. Why name them after yet another animal, adjective, tough noun, etc.
  11. Until we get a solid OL that can actually be solid, it'd be crazy to trot a rookie out there.
  12. So ... if they don't have good enough "credentials", it makes what he does ok? I hope that's not what you're saying.
  13. It was ok. Felt like an episode of Agents of Shield. Mackie just doesn't do it for me as an actor. Reminds me too much of Will Smith. It's only six episodes so it's going to be over fast. Looking way more for Loki, whenever that is.
  14. Party people gonna party, man. I wonder how long he can tell women, "I play in the NFL" until they realize he doesn't.
  15. Well he was civil to LadyPanther and called Verge "bruh".
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